Chapter 9

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(Y/N) 's pov

The sun coming through the windows woke me from my slumber, I look up to see Chris's face just above mine. I look around the room remembering where I was, Chris's new house. Within the 2 months after shooting and the press tour Chris had managed to find the perfect house, it had 5 bedrooms for when guests were round and a large garden with a pool. He had only moved in yesterday and the majority of his stuff was still packed but since we would be leaving for the press tour that would take a month or so going to different countries we decided just to make the bed and leave the rest. I snuggle myself into him more, trying to steal some of his warmth since the house was so cold. I close my eyes again but I am awoken again by the sound of dodger coming into the room, " hey dodger come here boy" I whisper to him, I lightly pat the bed and he gently climbs onto the bed. "why don't you go kiss Chris a morning kiss hey?" I point towards Chris and he responds immediately by licking Chris awake. It takes him awhile to open his eyes but when he does he jumps back slightly at the close up of dodger, I cover my mouth trying to suppress the giggles only for dodger to give me a morning kiss as well. I splutter slightly and this time it's Chris trying not to laugh, "hey now dodger I now you love (Y/N), but I do too okay so let me do all the kissing around here" Chris says whispering into dodgers ear. He leans over and gives me a peck on the lips, " now how about we fix up some breakfast, we have a long journey ahead." He says smiling, we had to make our way back to LA for a press junket that would end up taking us to New York, Rome, Paris, and London. I nod and begin to slide myself out of his arms, " now dodger do you want your..." I say watching his head tilt "breakfast?" I finish, he races out of the room but comes back seconds later to check that we were following. Both me and Chris slowly make our way downstairs to the kitchen, I begin to fish out some dog food from one of the boxes and fill up dodgers bowl. "(Y/N) where is the frying pan?" Chris calls, "in the box that says kitchen utensils" I call back. I place the bowl on the floor and dodger instantly starts to wolf it down. "aha found it!" I hear Chris say to himself, I look around to see him looking into the fridge to see what little we had, "I'm thinking scrambled egg and bacon because that is literally all we have" he laughs as he pulls out the items. I smile and walk over to a box and pull out two mugs before making myself a tea and Chris a coffee. Soon enough breakfast is done and we were sat eating it on paper plates and sipping our drinks, " you looking forward to the trip?" I ask Chris, I had never done a press junket before and have only seen the funny moments from them, he looks up from his coffee. His hair still had hints of blond in it but he was still growing it to the length he liked, his beard was now back as well. " if I'm honest not really, sitting for hours with no phones and in deceptively uncomfortable seats being asked the same old questions gets really boring after a while." He say sighing "but I have you with me to keep me company" he reaches across the table and takes my hand. "remember though if they ask us if we are together deny it ok?" I say "of course baby any thing for you" he replies he leans over and kisses me on the forehead before standing up to wash up our mugs and put the plates in the bin. "now lets get ready to go, I hope they have a good movie selection on the plane" he says smiling.

After the 6 hour flight of watching movies together and sleeping we arrive at the hotel we were staying in, we were greeted my Chris Hemsworth who was walking through the lobby as we entered. "hey Chris (Y/N) how are you?" he says smiling, he walks over and gives us both big hugs. "good but tired after a long flight" I say yawning at the same time. "I can tell" Hemsworth laughs "I'll let you get some rest see you tomorrow for the longest days of our lives" and with that he leaves us. "come on lets go find out what rooms we are in" Chris says walking to the desk, he soon returns with 2 keys. I'm disappointed that we weren't sharing but we had a secret to keep so. "good news we are on the same floor!" Chris says smiling, but I knew there was bad news "and the bad news?" I ask hesitantly " we are about 50 or so rooms away from each other" he says dropping his head "hey its fine we can survive a couple of days can't we?" I say smiling "if you want you can help me carry my bag to my room" his head perks up and he smiles like a 5 year old being told that they're going to Disney world. He grabs my bag and doesn't wait before dashing to the elevator, I have to jog to keep up with him. I jump into the elevator just before the door closes leaving me and Chris alone, "hey since it's just the two of us why don't we get a little comfy" Chris says as he begins to put his arm around me, I step aside to stop him. "Chris cameras" I whisper yell glancing up at the security camera. He follows my gaze and mouths sorry, I smile at him shaking my head. The doors then opens and we walk to my room, we both walk in and Chris sets my bag down on the floor. " I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early" he says leaning down before placing his lips on mine, we remain like this for a while our lips finding the pace. I slowly pull away for air, not wanting it to end I place me hand on his chest and look up at him. " you better head to your room now" I sigh, he simply nods and gives me a huge hug and quick kiss before picking up his bag and heading to his room.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now