Chapter 76

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(Y/N)'s POV

It had been a few more weeks and me and Chris were in the middle of getting ready for a party we were hosting this afternoon. "right what's the food situation?" I ask him walking into the kitchen, "well my mom is bringing over a platter with foods to pick at, you're mom made some of her killer mac and cheese in little pots, RDJ said he was bringing food like the stuff he brings onto set and we are just getting ready to decorate these cupcakes aren't we tash" Chris says smiling down at Tash who was sat trying to contain her excitement. "it looks like you've eaten the majority of the icing already" I laugh wiping some out of Chris's beard, "daddy's a mess isn't he" I say making Tash giggle. "well you shouldn't have trusted me with the cupcakes" he smirks wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer "save it for later, you excited for the party Tash?" I ask her stepping back and picking her up. "yeah!" she beams, "you excited to find out if you gonna have little brothers or sisters?" Chris asks making Tash nod her head. "what would you prefer? Girls or boys? Or one of each?" I ask her hoping she wouldn't be sad later if it wasn't what she wanted, "girls" she says quickly. "but what it's a girl and a boy would that be okay?" Chris asks hopefully, "nope just girls" Tash said adamantly shaking her head at the idea. Chris looks over biting his lip slightly trying not to laugh, I knew he also wanted it to be girls but neither of us wanted Tash to have a meltdown if it wasn't girls. I put Tash down on a chair bending down so we were eye level "right sweetie, I need you to promise me something, that if it is boys or a boy and a girl you won't be too upset okay, your younger siblings are going to love you so much, and they'll need a big sister to look after them, can you do that?" I tell her. "like you look after dodger" Chris says which makes dodger seemingly appear out of nowhere, Tash nods her head "okay, but I still want girls" she says making me and Chris chuckle lightly. "that's okay" I smile kissing her on top of the head. The door bell then goes and dodger goes running to the door, "I'll get it, you too get to decorating, its probably Nathan with the balloons" I say heading to the door. When I open the door the person behind it wasn't someone I ever wanted to see again in my life "Alex, get out of here before I call the police" I warn him. "hey look I know, restraining order and everything but look I need your help" he says taking a few steps back holding his hands up, I purse my lips he looked desperate, I've never seen him like this. I glance behind me to see if chris had heard who was at the door, I set out slight pulling the door up behind me "what is it?" I ask him crossing my arms. "its Samantha, she's pissed saying that I cheated on her, but this time I didn't I swear and I don't know what to do" Alex tells me, I scoff rolling my eyes at him "seriously this is the big issue you needed my help with" I say turning to head back inside. "wait (Y/N), look I'm sorry for everything I did, the cheating and articles etc, but I've changed I promise, this girl from work turned up at the apartment saying she was pregnant with my child but I've never kissed her let alone had sex with her" he explains quickly, I look back round at him confused "what?" is all I can say. "this girl is crazy, she's obsessed with me, asked me out so many times but I turned her down" Alex explains, I sigh not believing I was actually about to help him "look you just have to show Samantha that you haven't been with this girl, get someone to back you up" I tell him hoping I could head inside. "that's the problem the was this time we had a work do, we all got drunk, its fuzzy but I went straight home I swear" Alex tells me. I roll my eyes at him sighing, "no wonder she thinks you cheated! Look just get some work pals to back you up, and if worse comes to worse demand a paternity test once the baby's born" I tell him. "but that could be 9 months away!" he complains, "then you'll have to live with your mistakes! You have a history of cheating, you cheated on me with her! I'm surprised she stayed as long as she has! If you hadn't cheated before she would probably believe you, you have to own up to your mistakes" I tell him angrily "now leave I don't want to see your face ever again, and if I do believe me the police will be called" I warn him. He nods his head "okay, I get it, thanks you have helped and sorry again, I'm glad you're happy and congrats on your family and stuff" he says, I then notice Nathan's car pull up. "thank you, but you need to go, hope you sort this out" I tell him quickly, he nods his head heading back to his car passing Nathan and Angela on the way. "what the hell is he doing here" Nathan asks sharply, "it's nothing I sent him away, so just forget about it" I say brushing it off. "it didn't look like nothing you actually looked chummy, like you were talking to an old friend!" Nathan says accusingly, "Nathan calm down" Angela says trying to calm him down. "it was nothing I promise, look just don't tell chris I don't want him getting angry over nothing" I tell the both of them, Nathan looks at me suspiciously trying to work out if it was lying or not. "okay fine" he sighs, "hey what's taking so long out here" chris says opening the door, "nothing just chatting, come on lets go inside" Nathan chuckles stepping past me to go inside.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now