Chapter 14

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Chris's pov

I wake up to find (Y/N) still asleep on top of me, I look around as best as I can to see the other all asleep as well. I look back over at (Y/N) as take in her face, perfectly relaxed as she slept. I can't help myself but to start stroking her soft (H/C) hair, half way through she begins to stir at my touch but I don't stop. She leans her head into my hand and smiles keeping her eyes shut, "morning" she says quietly "morning gorgeous" I whisper back still stroking her hair. She moves her head to look at me and slowly opens her eye, the beautiful sight of her (E/C) eyes makes me smile as my heart melt. I lean forward and give her a peck on the lips. "you know we really need to stop doing this" she says quietly looking around the room at the others "doing what?" I ask slightly confused. "all of us falling asleep in the lounge or in someone's hotel room" she says smiling "hey at least we aren't all hungover this time, plus anywhere I get to wake up next to you is the best place in the world" I laugh quietly getting lost in her eyes. She smiles at me before giving me a short but meaningful kiss, she rests her head on my chest once more and runs her fingers across the contours of my body. I return to stroking her hair, we watch as slowly someone else wakes up confused before trudging their way back to their room. Soon it was just me and (Y/N) well and Mackie as he still was snoring away on the floor. "hey (Y/N) I was thinking on going for a run, wanna join me?" I ask, she moves to look at me, "of course we need to keep you in that dorito shape" I smile and shake my head at her, but then Mackie talks in his sleep. "mmm dorito" he moans, me and (Y/N) cup our mouths and try desperately not to laugh. We decide to get up make our way to our room to get ready for a run, trying not to wake mackie in the process.

Once we were ready we jumped in a taxi and went to hyde park, since it was slightly too far away from the apartment. Once we were there we began jogging around the lake, taking in the beauty as steam rose from the lake. It was still fairly early so there weren't many people around, (Y/N) pauses for a second to tie her shoelace that came undone. "I'm fine carry on I'll catch you up" she says "if you can" I smirk before jogging on ahead. About 5 minutes later I can hear (Y/N) approaching me so I slow down to match her pace, but she speeds ahead of me. "on your left" she laughs as she goes past. I shake my head and laugh, I put on the pace and run to catch up. Once I reach her I run behind her before grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around, she giggles as I do so. Once I put her down I lean down for a quick kiss not caring if anyone saw, "it's really nice being able to do this" she smiles as we pull away. "it really is, now 2 more laps of the lake and head back?" I suggest. "only if you can keep up grandpa" she laughs before starting off again. "just because I play a 92 year old doesn't mean I am one" I laugh as I jog beside her. "sure of course" she says "you tell yourself that" I laugh, I love how (Y/N) always keeps me on my toes and gives as good as it gets. After 2 more laps we sit down on a bench facing the lake, we watch as swans gracefully move through the water. (Y/N) pulls out her phone and takes a picture of us, I kiss her on the cheek for the photo and the nuzzle into her neck as she takes the next. " I guess I could post these on twitter now that we are out" she says smiling at the photos. "yep, but only if I get to post the one with me nuzzling into your neck." I say pointing to the photo. "sure, I'll send it to you now" she says as she pulls up our messages. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, I pull it out and instantly smile at the photo. I open twitter and put the photo onto a tweet with this caption : 'I'm in total love with this one' I click post and look through my feed, my eyes falling onto (Y/N)'s tweet. It's the photo of my kissing her cheek with the simple caption of the pink love heart emoji and 'love him'. I smile and like the tweet as she does the same for my tweet. I look around and see more people on their morning commute, "c'mon we best head back" I say kissing her forehead before standing up. She takes my hand and we walk back hand in hand. When we walk up to the street that the apartment is on, but before we turn the corner I notice a large crowd of paparazzi outside. "shit!" I curse as I pull (Y/N) back round the corner. We stand with our backs to the wall, "what do we do?" (Y/N) asks worry in her voice. "its fine I'll deal with it" I say squeezing her hand in reassurance. I pull out my phone and type a quick tweet saying that we were heading to breakfast at a hotel I saw on the way home, I peek round the corner to see if any of them were looking at their phones. Luckily some were and told the other who all got into cars heading in our direction. "crap (Y/N) follow me" I whisper before we descend down some stairs outside one of the building, I watch as the cars pass by before emerging again. I look around before leading (Y/N) out onto the street level with me, we both sigh in relief. " I didn't think they would find us that quickly" (Y/N) says looking around to make sure nobody was around. "c'mon let's get back inside before they get back" I say before pulling (Y/N) into a jog towards the door. Once inside we quickly shut the door and slump behind it, we sit there for a while catching our breath. We look over at each other and instantly start laughing at the situation we were just in, we stop when we notice a figure standing over us. I look up to see Scarlett standing there with her arms crossed, "you realise that they've been here for an hour or so right?" she ask "I'm surprised you even got back in". she seems concerned but slightly peeved at the invasion of privacy. "yeah I tweeted saying we were eating breakfast at a hotel" I say standing up with (Y/N) "speaking of which I best give them a call and give them a heads up" I start to walk towards our room guiding (Y/N) behind me. In all honesty I was pissed at Scarlett for being pissed at us, we couldn't control where the paparazzi went. "Chris are you okay you're scowling" (Y/N) says pulling me out of my thoughts, I shake my head "I just don't see why's she's pissed at us for paparazzi being outside, we didn't want to be outed in the first place" I huff "so much for supporting us" I fling myself so I'm lying down on the bed. (Y/N) sits by me and places a hand on my knee "she probably worried that's all" she says softly, I sit up. "yeah I guess but she's not really showing it though" I groan, (Y/N) laughs slightly " yeah but how would you feel if you were on a holiday with friends and wake up to find your house surrounded by paparazzi stopping you from going out" she says rubbing my arm "not happy" I huff silently, she smiles at me. "exactly, now let's call that hotel and apologise to them for the crowds" I smile back at (Y/N), that was another thing about her she could calm me down so easily, if she wasn't here I would still be moping about. I pull out my phone and call the hotel to explain everything. Once I got off the phone (Y/N) looks up from her book that she was reading while I was on the phone "all sorted?" she asks putting her book down. "yeah they were completely fine with it" I say sitting next to her "they even thanked us for the publicity". (Y/N) laughs at this, and I can't help but smile at her. "paparazzi wise they should die down tomorrow and we can go back to sightseeing" I say optimistically hoping this trip wouldn't end on a sour note.

Oh boy was I wrong for the next 2 days the house was surrounded, the rest of the cast had managed to get out but not me and (Y/N). "I think we should fly home early" (Y/N) sighs as we lie on the sofa watching episodes of friends, "why aren't you enjoying the trip?" I ask worriedly, she sees the worry on my face and placed a hand on my cheek. "oh no sweetheart I'm loving the trip, although it's getting harder and harder for the others to get out and I don't want to be the one who ruins the trip for them" she sighs "they have another 3 days left and it's not like we can get out either". I sigh and rub my forehead, "as much as I'd hate to say it but your right, I'll go see if I can book us a flight home for tomorrow." I grab my laptop and look to see what we could do, luckily there were 2 first class seats left. So I booked them "okay 7pm tomorrow is when we have to be at the airport" I say closing my laptop. "I'm sorry it has to be this way Chris" (Y/N) say looking down at her feet, I lift up her chin with my thumb and guide her to my lips. "as long as I'm with you and you're happy, I'm happy" I smile "shall we start packing?". She nods her head before standing up with me. The rest of the cast were out, so it was just me and (Y/N). I text Robert to ask when they should be back, he says in about 2 hours. This leaves us enough time to pack before they disturb us. Once packed we lie on our bed and just sit there talking about this that and everything, I hear the front door open and Mackie calling into the apartment "hey we home now just to let you know!" he shouts. I laugh and shake my head at him, "shall we tell them?" I whisper to (Y/N), she looks over and kisses me quickly. "yeah, we are gonna have to tell them at some point."

We get the group to sit down in the lounge while me and (Y/N) stand in front of the TV. "guys we have something we need to tell you" I start before Mackie interrupts "you're engaged!" he says excitedly. "what not that's not it" I try to say "you're pregnant!" Robert calls. (Y/N) 's eyes widen at the comment, "no we're not pregnant" I say slowly losing my patience. "you're breaking up?" Lizzie says sadly, this time my eyes widen "NO! just let me finish okay" I shout. (Y/N) places her hand on my arm to calm me. " we are flying back to Boston tomorrow, and letting you enjoy the rest of your holiday" (Y/N) says. The cast sit there shocked, it makes me wonder what their reaction would be if we were in fact engaged or pregnant. "you don't need to do that guys" lizzie says softly "this holiday is for all of us, that included you two". I sigh and smile at her comforting words, "thanks but currently we can't do anything without being followed so we thought we'd best leave" I say taking (Y/N)'s hand in mine, "have you book the flight?" Scarlett says not looking up from the floor. "yeah we have to leave here at 5pm tomorrow" (Y/N) says, Scarlett had kept her distance from us over the last couple of days and it was really getting to (Y/N). The cast slowly leave the room, passing us wishing us a good flight home and saying they were sad we had to go but understood why, soon it was just me, (Y/N) and Scarlett. Scarlett was still staring at the floor, "c'mon lets head to bed" I whisper to (Y/N) who was still looking sadly at Scarlett, she simple nods and allows me to lead her out. We just reached the door when Scarlett spoke up, "I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you the other day and keeping my distance" she had turned round to face us "I'm sorry if it made you feel like you had to leave" I can see the sadness in her eyes as she apologised. (Y/N) sighed sympathetically and went over to sit next to Scarlett "don't be silly" she said rubbing scarletts back " it was completely our decision, even if you hadn't said what you did we would still be leaving". This was true, I sit down on the other side of Scarlett. "I'm sorry I guess I just thought that.." she begins but I cut her off "you don't need to explain, its fine" I say softly. "thanks guys, I hope you have a great flight back, I'll call you when I get back and we can meet up or something" she says smiling. "I'd love that" I say before pulling her into a quick hug, I can see (Y/N) smiling at the two of us happy that we made up.


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