Chapter 51

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(Y/N)'s POV

"remind me again why we booked this appointment so early?" Chris yawns walking into the kitchen in just his boxers, I laugh flipping the last pancake "because we both agreed to be on set at 12" I tell him passing him his plate. I takes a large bit before pointing his fork at me "yes but that doesn't explain why we have to be at the hospital at 8am for an appointment that probably won't be more than an hour" he states with a mouthful of pancake. I sit down next to him with my plate of pancakes "because do you really want to tell the boys about this little one before our families?" I smirk placing a hand on his shoulder "very true, and that's why I married you" Chris smiles placing his large hand over my stomach "that's the only reason?" I say raising a brow. Chris laughs moving his hand to my cheek pulling me in so he could kiss my forehead "no, but there are too many reasons to list them all" he sighs smile at me. "we should probably make sure we are able to call all of them when we want otherwise waking up this early would be for nothing" I say pulling out my phone to write a text, "yes I'll text my parents while you text yours" Chris agrees standing up to grab his phone from the bedroom. We ate the rest of our breakfast while we texted our parent asking just for a chat and catch-up, hoping they wouldn't suspect anything suspicious. "okay Chris we need to go soon and you're still in your boxers" I say taking the plates to the dishwasher, "hey don't tell me you're not enjoying the view" he smirk gesturing down to his bare chest. "yes I am, but I think turning up to the hospital in just your boxers would be just a little bit distracting" I laugh turning him round and pushing him in the direction of the bedroom.

When we arrived at the hospital it was defiantly more relaxing this time, we were directed into a private room immediately to avoid being spotted. "so on a scale of 1 to 10 how cold is that gel stuff?" Chris asks reclining back in his chair, "pretty cold, not capsicle cold, but pretty cold" I smirk making his pull a face. "well when we filmed that scene I was actually pretty warm" he say crossing his arms, I pull a face of mock disbelief "really? So they didn't actually dump you in the Atlantic ocean and hoped you froze?" I say. He furrows his brows at me "oh shut it!" he laughs shaking his head at me, I was just about to respond with another quick comment but the doctor entered the room. "good morning Mr and Mrs Evans" she greet with a smile, "okay let's get this scan underway" she adds moving over to the monitor while I move to sit on the examining chair. I shiver slightly as cold gel gets squirts onto my stomach "okay maybe it is capsicle cold" I mutter with a smirk making Chris laugh out loud shaking his head at me. we watch on with a smile as the picture of out baby appears on the screen along with its heartbeat, "they it is, look it's waving" the doctor smiles pointing to the screen. It was so weird watching the little one move inside me, like what I was seeing was live and not pre-recorded. As we watched and the doctor checked over things she also took photos and recorded a video for us "when will we be able to find out the sex?" Chris asks taking my hand, "you will be able to find out at your 18 week scan which we will be booking in for you" the doctor informs us wiping off the gel. "I'll get the pictures printed out and the video put onto a DVD for you" she says leaving the room, I roll my top down and sit up with my legs hanging of the side "what do you think it is?" I ask Chris swinging my legs. He shrugs his shoulders with a smile "I don't know either a boy or a girl" he smirks, I laugh and shake my head at him "covering your bases then" I laugh "neither do I, but I couldn't care it's our little one either way" I smile. A few moments later the doctor returns with the photos and dvd with the video on, "here you go have a nice day" she smiles passing them to me, we both take a quick look at one of the photos before I put them away in my bag "thank you, you too" Chris smile taking my hand as we head back to the apartment.

"okay so who do you want to tell first, I think if we did it as one big one they would catch on before we had the chance to tell them" Chris say grabbing his laptop and placing it in front of us "can we do mine first since it's their first grandchild?" I ask as he pulls up a chair "of course munchkin" he smiles. I start up the skype call and just as it begins to ring Chris clears his throat "I'm just going to get a glass of water do you want anything?" he asks standing up, "water too please" I smile. Just as he disappears into the kitchen the picture of my mom pops up "hey mom! How are you?" I smile waving to her "I'm good dear, how are you? How's the movie going?" she smiles tucking in her chair more. "it's good we're all having fun and it's nice to be back with the boys, um where's dad?" I ask glancing up from the screen to see if Chris was coming back "oh he's just coming, Come on honey (Y/N)'s waiting for you!" she calls off screen I then hear my dad call back and heavy footsteps approaching "there's my little princess! How are you?" he smiles taking a seat next to my mom. "I'm good we both are" I smile wondering what was taking so long with our drinks "oh yes how is Chris? Working hard on his movie?" my dad asks. "yes of course he is, he is the title character of course!" I laugh, noticing Chris walking out of the kitchen with two glasses of water "ah speak of the devil!" I smirk making Chris raise a brow questionably. "don't worry only good things" my mom calls out making Chris smile as he passes me my drink, "That's good to hear" he laughs sitting down as I take a large sip of my water. "okay so guys I have something super exciting that I was given today" I say barely containing my excitement, I grab the photo from this morning "okay close your eyes and actually close them okay?" I tell them. I can see the confusion on their faces but do as they're told closing their eyes, when I was sure they were closed I held up the photo so they could see "open them" I smiles. As they opened them they were both in utter shock "no way? Are you guys having a baby?" my mom says her voice muffled slightly by her hand which was covering her mouth, I laugh slightly taking Chris's hand "yeah we are" Chris smiles. My mom claps her hands happily while my dad smiles proudly "wait so how far gone are you?" my mom asks, "just twelve weeks, had the scan today" I tell her making her jaw drop "you've kept this a secret from us for twelve weeks, do marvel know you can't be doing stunts while pregnant" she exclaims suddenly going into the overprotective mother mode. "yes we did, my stunt double is doing all of them, all I do is get up afterwards and pretend I've been hit" I laugh "its quite good, I don't come home battered and bruised like on the other movies" Chris scoffs next to me "I on the other hand still come home with nasty bruises, I mean look at this one!" He laughs pointing to the newest addition on his upper arm. We continue talking to my parent for a little longer before moving onto Chris's, they had a similar reaction and expresses their congratulation saying they couldn't wait to meet the little one, just before we got ready to leave for the set we decided to tell the rest of our avengers buddies who were super excited, RDJ promising to buy it an iron man onesie.

When we arrived on set we were greeted by Mackie and Seb almost immediately "you know for the title character you get a lot of lie ins" Seb says raising a brow at Chris. "sorry guys we had to be somewhere, but we have something to show you two" Chris laughs handing them the photo, picture side down, Mackie raises a brow as he takes it and turns it round so both him and Seb could see. I laugh as Seb looks back and forth between the picture and me "is this what I think it is?" Mackie asks surprised, "yeah man, we've got a baby on the way!" Chris smiles proudly wrapping an arm around me. I watch as Seb smiles happily before turning to Mackie "I told you so" he smirks "so pay up" he holds out his hand. Mackie drops his shoulders in defeat "I haven't got my wallet on my right now, but I'll pay you later" gesturing to his costume. Seb rubs his hands excitedly "I still don't get how you didn't see the signs you have kids!" Seb laughs, Mackie scoffs crossing his arms shaking his head "they weren't obvious at all" he fires back, "they were so obvious, do you really want me to go through all of them?" Seb offers smirking. Mackie opens his arms out "go on then seabass if you think you know it all, then you guys can say if he was right" he says pointing to me and Chris as we were both just laughing watching the exchange between the two boys. "okay (Y/N) usually loves quite tight hugs but when you bear hug her she grimaces because of certain tenderness" Seb starts "then she has been going to the bathroom all of the sudden, increased appetite and she hasn't been able to do the stunts not because of the injury but because of the little one" Seb explain turning to me and Chris to back him up. "yeah that's pretty much it" I laugh nodding my head, Mackie shakes his head "okay but what about when you had food poisoning that was just food poisoning right?" Mackie asks pointing to the two of us. Chris shakes his head "uh no, (Y/N) had some bleeding which turned out to be nothing and something completely normal" Chris explain putting his arm around me. "so you didn't poison you wife then?" Mackie asks smirking slightly "because you honestly made me think I had pissed you off when you shouted at me when I said that the first time" Mackie laughs clutching his chest glaring at Chris slightly.

After telling the guys we got ready to shoot the scene, it was one of the first where it was all fight scenes, yes there was a slight argument but no fighting. The set we were on was made to look like a rundown apartment that was going to be a safe house for us, in the scene Steve was mad at Sam but I was standing up for sam. me and Chris were getting ready to start stood almost chest to chest laughing and messing around slightly. Chris was pulling funny faces trying to make me laugh and succeeding, I was laughing shaking my head at him and he was enjoying it laughing along to. I noticed the crew getting ready doing the cue marks and getting the camera rolling, I was still laughing as joe called action but that stopped immediately as I yelled my line "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE THE CAPTIAN DOESN'T MEAN WE HAVE TO DO EXACTLY AS YOU SAY!". Chris stares down at me not breaking eye contact, slightly terrified but begins laughing since he wasn't expecting it at all, this sends the rest of us into a fit of giggles. "okay that was good, lets try that again" joe laughs as I try and shake off my laughter "that's your fault" I laugh looking up at Chris, he raises a brow at me "my fault you were the one who went from pissing themselves laughing to super scary" Chris smirks. We start the scene again this time Chris doesn't laugh when I yell my line but looks down at me coolly, "he could have killed someone" he states glancing over at Mackie who looks at his feet. "yes maybe but he ended up saving those people, sometimes you need to take a risk" I say not backing down, Chris returns he cold glare back at me which softens slightly when he meets my warmer gaze. He steps back rubbing his head sighs deeply, before walking out of the scene I glance over at Mackie and Seb who was just looking solemnly at the floor and leave the scene after Steve. We repeat the scene a few more time taking direction from joe and Anthony before we finish for a break, "you know you were actually terrifying when you yelled at me" Chris smirks as we walk back to our trailers "good. Lets just hope I don't have to yell at you for real" I laugh giving him a warning look which made him laugh "yeah me neither".

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now