Chapter 55

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I was at 25 weeks now and I was getting quite big, so it was getting really hard to hide it on camera. luckily all the scenes I had left in the next couple of weeks I got to wear some of Chris's old hoodies from previous films, as they were more relaxed ones. I had been in constant contact with my parents about Nathan, he woke up after a week and he had been living at home with my parents while he recovered, he was quite lucky in the fact that he didn't have any permanent brain damage. I was walking onto the set in costume, carrying a fan as I went as it was the end of august and still really hot. Once on the set which luckily for me was inside, so there was AC, I saw the end of scene the boys were doing, "and cut that was great guys, (Y/N) you ready to get in there?" joe asks turning to me "yep ready to go" I smile moving to stand on my mark. We had a few minutes while they reset the scene, Anthony talked through the scene with us "(Y/N) once your sat down at the table your bump should be hidden as long as you don't lean back to much" Anthony says turning to me "yeah that's fine" I smile nodding in agreement. Once the scene was set up it began rolling and the four of us began acting out the scene, as I walked into the scene the boys turn to face me "jen you should be resting" Chris says looking at worriedly "Steve I'm fine, I can't sleep anyway" I sigh looking over at him as I walked and took a seat at the table. We continue the scene and about an hour and a half later we finish it before doing it a couple more times with Joe and Anthony's direction, "that's great guys go take a break quickly while we set up the next scene" joe tells us. The four of us move away from the craziness of the set and we sit down in one of the rooms, inside the room they had the masks that my stunt double uses when filming for me. I had at least 3 which they were all really creepy, Seb who was just wandering around as we talked went over to the table with the mask "you know these are so creepy, I mean look at it" he says picking one up and shaking it so it almost looked like my face had melted. "don't do that, it's weird" I say scrunching my nose up at the sight, "hmm I wonder" he says lifting up the mask, he then goes and puts it on "okay that's even weirder" I mutter shaking my head while Mackie and Chris just laughed. "hold on a sec" Mackie says getting up to put on one of the mask "Chris get in on this" Mackie says passing Chris a mask, I watch as all 3 boys had my masks one "Jesus Christ that is creepy" I say looking at the men all stood in a line. "(Y/N) take a photo of us" Seb says, I shake my head standing up to take a photo of them "wait hold on I have an idea" I chuckle moving to take a selfie with the 3 boys, I pull a horrified face and take the photo. "lets have a look" Chris says pulling of his mask, I show his the photo and he clutches his chest as he laughed "that's hilarious you have to post that" he laughs, I agree opening Instagram and posting it with the caption ' I will never try to clone again'. "so (Y/N) when is your last day?" Seb says as he pulls of him mask "end of next week, and then Chris finishes two weeks after" I sigh putting away my phone "yeah it was only supposed to be a week but the amount of time we've both had to take off during the shoot has put our filming back by a week" Chris explains putting his mask back. Mackie takes his mask off "that sucks, we're gonna miss you guys when you go, usually we all wrap together" he sighs, I nod my head sadly in agreement "yeah, I wish I could stay longer but I physically can't" I say pointing downwards. The rooms falls into silence nobody really knowing what to say "so when are you due again?" Mackie asks "uh late November, so we have about 2 months to get fully ready, with furniture and stuff" I explain moving to sit down again. "wait you haven't made the baby room yet?" Mackie says surprised "no we haven't been home too, Chris will be doing the majority of the stuff though" I explain nodding over at Chris "well we'll be choosing it together and buying it together, I'm just doing all the heavy work like building it and painting the walls." Chris adds sitting down next to me and wrapping his arm around me shoulders. "okay guys we're ready for you" a crew member says interrupting the conversation "back to work then" Chris chuckles standing up with me, as we walk out Mackie walks in front happily shaking his head whistling "hi ho hi ho its back to work we go" he sings finishing with a skip making us all laugh at him.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now