Chapter 77

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I woke up and the bed felt cold, I instinctively roll over to snuggle up to chris but wake up to the harsh reality that he wasn't there. I roll onto my back and rest my hand on my forehead, yesterday was so perfect until the fight, the worst fight we'd ever had. I thought I knew chris well enough to tell when he was lying but he's kept this secret for me for years. Maybe I should have told him about Alex, but it would have ruined the party before it even started, I honestly thought I was doing the right thing. I pick up my phone to see if there were any messages from chris but there was nothing, I open up my Instagram and see that my post revealing the gender had gone down really well. I had uploaded the video my mom took all the way up to when my dad shouted about my reaction to finding out I was having a brother, I'd put the caption 'two new superheroes on the scene, excited to announce me and chris will be expecting twin boys, Natasha's not so excited definitely takes after me'. I watch the video over and over again me and chris were so happy, now it was the exact opposite. I'd kicked him out, I'd actually done that, I never thought or dreamed I would ever do that, not to him, but I did. Was this the beginning of the end? Or just a bump in the road? It was a pretty big bump. "mommy" I hear Tash say, I look over to see her by the door teddy in hand. "morning sweetie, you're up early" I say sitting up as she climbs onto the bed, "where's daddy?" she asks looking around for him. I bite my lip "daddy is at grandma's he had to go over early this morning to help her out, you'll see him soon I promise" I tell her forcing a smile. "why were you crying last night?" she asks me, "me and daddy watched a movie that had a sad ending so that's why I was crying" I lie "but I'm okay, come on lets go have breakfast" I say getting out of bed and picking her up. As we walk downstairs, I notice dodger was sat by the door, "come on dodger breakfast, he'll be back soon" I say trying to get him to move away from the door but he just looked over at me and back at the door. I made Tash her breakfast and we quietly ate our breakfast together, I spent the majority of my time staring at my phone. I desperately wanted chris to call, or text, or to text or call him but I couldn't bring myself to do it, I was still so upset at him. I needed to talk it out with someone, my mom instantly comes to mind I could go to her for anything. "come on tash lets get you dressed, we're going to go visit grandma and grandad today" I say once we'd both finished eating, I take her upstairs and quickly get her dressed. "when is daddy coming home?" she asks me as I put her in her car seat, "soon, I don't know when but soon I promise" I tell her "now shall we sing Disney songs on the way to grandma and grandad's?" I ask her. She claps her hand excitedly "yes please!" she exclaims making me smile for what feels like the first time today. As we drove to my mom's tash sang along to all the Disney songs oblivious to the fact I wasn't for once, I tried to but my mind was soon wander off to chris and the fight and before I knew it the song had ended and the next one had started.

I pull up outside my moms house and get tash out of the car, I knock on the door hoping they were in. The plan was so last minute I hadn't thought to call ahead to see if she was free, a couple minutes passed and I was just about to turn around when the door opened and I saw my mom in an apron covered in flour. "oh sorry mom, is this a bad time?" I apologise, "no not at all, I was just trying to do some baking that's all" she smiles letting us in. "what's up? I didn't think you were coming over today" she asks me, "no it was a kinda last minute plan, sorry I didn't call ahead, is dad home?" I apologise again. "yeah of course, hold on let me just get him" she smiles before shouting up the stairs for him, "(Y/N) darling I didn't know you were coming over today" he smiles as he walks in coming over to give me a hug. "yeah last minute plan, you wouldn't actually mind looking after tash while me and mom have a little talk?" I ask him, he tilts his head slightly in confusion "uh yeah sure, is everything okay?" he asks me as I pass him tash. "uh yeah just want a girly chat that's all" I say forcing a small smile, "yeah okay, come on tash lets go have fun" my dad says taking tash upstairs with him. "let me get you a drink" my mom says as we walk into the kitchen, "thanks" I say as she passes me a glass of water and I sit down by the counter. "now what's wrong?" she asks me leaning up against the counter, "how did you know?" I ask her surprised, "you said girly chat, that's your code word for serious chat but you don't want your dad to worry, you've said it ever since you were 10" my mom tells me with a small chuckle. It brings a weak smile to my lips but not for long "me and chris had a massive fight last night" I tell her, "how massive?" she asks sitting down next to me. "I kicked him out" I admit wiping away a stray tear, "oh honey, what happened?" she says wrapping an arm around me. "it all started just before the party, can you remember Alex?" I ask, she nods her head "you ex that you had to get a restraining order on" she says. "yeah that's him, well he turned up at the house yesterday, he was asking for help and advice because this girl who was pregnant said he was the father but he's certain he never had sex with her, his girlfriend flipped out saying he cheated. I quickly gave him some advice and told him to away and stay away otherwise I'd call the police. Just as he was leaving Nathan and Angela arrived, Nathan confronted me about what it was about I said it was nothing and not to tell chris. Later on after the gender reveal Nathan confronted me about it, we started arguing and chris over heard. I told him what happened and he flipped out, yelling at me calling me stupid. I asked him if we could put a pin in it since the party was still going on downstairs, and we did but once the party ended and tash was asleep the fight started up again. He accused me to being an idiot and putting our family in danger. He then told me that he knew Alex had been cheating on me the entire time and that the entire cast knew too. I lost it and told him to get out told him to go to his mom's, and he did and I haven't heard from him since" I tell my mom tears streaming down my face. My mom rubs my back and hold me close while I cried "why didn't you tell him about Alex?" she asks me, I shrug my shoulders "I don't know exactly, I just felt like because I'd dealt with the situation I didn't need to go running straight into his arms, I knew he'd get worked up and he wouldn't be able to enjoy the party, I was going to tell him, not straight away but after the party" I sigh rubbing my forehead tiredly. "why do you think he didn't tell you about Alex?" she asks, "I don't know, I just feel so betrayed, he's kept this from me the entire relationship, for years and it makes me doubt myself because I didn't know and I thought I knew him" I cry wiping away more tears. "it'll be okay, lets take your mind off of it for a little while, help me bake this cake because I'm making a right mess of it" my mom chuckles gesturing to the flour all over her. "thanks mom" I sigh giving her a big hug.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now