Chapter 41

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Because its the holidays i thought i would treat you to a double update, thank don't forget to vote, comment and share! love you guys xx

(Y/N)'s POV

"I'm trying to channel my inner Mackie I promise" I laugh, we were doing our European press junkets and Mackie couldn't attend these ones or the Asian ones so I had been partnered up with Seb. "it's not quite the same though" Seb sighs shaking his head, I hit his arm gently "should I just get a cardboard cut-out of Mackie's face, would that be better?" I ask him. Seb shakes his head "nah you have to have his humour, and you just don't" he sighs, I shake my head "honestly I don't know how I worked with him for 8 months straight" I say turning to the interviewer. The guys just laughs "that right because you guys worked together for the movie voices, well done on the Oscars by the way, what was it like going from an action movie to a movie like that?" he asks, "well they were both draining, voices being more mentally draining than physically. Because we had to do more emotional type stuff as oppose to fight scenes" Seb explains. "what did you prefer, avengers movie or voices?" the guys asks "it's hard to choose because they were so different, I enjoyed filming both of them pretty much equally, but I guess if I had to choose it would be avengers because these guys are like my family now and its great filming with these guys because you honestly don't feel like you're working" I answer, "aww that sweet, but yeah I totally agree" Seb adds. "you guys as a cast do often say it's like a family is there a particular father figure of mother figure?" the interviewer asks, we both shake our heads "no not really, I mean especially not with us girls as we are like sisters but I guess from a welcoming point of view Downey is the father figure but as soon as your settled the boys are like a bunch of brothers messing around with each other" I explain, "yeah when your new on set, Downey does give you the kinda pep talk and seal of approval in a way" Seb adds. After this interview we had a little break so I went and grabbed myself a coffee to keep my energy levels up, while I was on my break I decided to watch the two Chris's do their press junkets. At the moment Hemsworth was telling Chris about the shark attacks in Australia and Chris was shaking his head "I mean, I couldn't do that or go near the water again after that" Chris sighs. Their interview finished and Chris then notices me waving over "hey you alright?" he ask, I nod my head and come and stand closer "yeah I'm good, bit tired you?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders standing up, "alright, you on a break now?" he say moving closer, "yeah, I think it's almost up though" I tell him. "ah well c'mere and give me a hug before you go" he smiles opening up his arms, I duck under one of the camera and into his arms accepting his hug. He kisses me on the top of my head "I'll see you in a bit okay for the panel" he say looking down at me, I nod my head "I'll see you in a bit" I agree stepping out of the hug. I walk out of the way and wave goodbye before returning to my seat to be asked the same questions over and over again.

I had been asked to do a solo interview with a guy from channel 4 news and was just leaving to go do it when Robert stopped me "(Y/N) just to let you know this guy can be a but tricky and ask some real bad questions so don't let it get to you okay" he warns me. "thanks Robert, I'm sure it'll be fine, I'll see you in a bit for the conference" I smile before I was led to a different room in the hotel. When I got there I greeted the man and sat down in my chair and waited for the interview to start, it started off okay just talking about the movie and voices and the Oscar , the typical questions. But I could tell by a shift in his demeanour that this good interview may not last much longer, "now (Y/N) you are very fit, physically" he starts "you better not be asking me about my work out regime" I joke, he chuckles slightly before continuing "and you are also a role model for fans". I nod my head unsure where this was going "now I want to know if you think having people of your figure is a bad example for girls who aren't of you figure?" he asks, I furrow my brows "what do you mean?" I ask. "well all the leading ladies in these marvel movies are slim and don't have any unwanted weight, is that not saying to girls that are of a larger size that they can't be like you guys because of their weight" he explains, I look at him with disbelief "well I do agree with you to a certain extent, but if you think about it the characters we are playing are constantly physically active and therefore would have gained muscle and lost weight, I had a bit of a tub before this movie but the physical exercise I had to do in the forms of fight choreography I lost it" I tell him. "so you agree that marvel is body shaming?" he asks, my jaw just drops "I didn't say that at all and you know that!" I argue, "but you did say the girls that portray the super heroes do have to be thin and have the supermodel shape" he fires back with a cool tone. I shake my head "this is ridiculous, you know what this is over" I say removing my mic, he goes to argue but I shut him up beforehand "just don't, you are just a reporter digging for a headline if anyone is body shaming it's you, if I had any advice for channel 4 it would be to find a better interviewer" I state getting up and walking out. When I return to the room where the cast could relax both Chris and Robert came over immediately "what did he ask?" Robert ask while Chris put his arm around me "urgh he was going on about body shaming and how all of the female superheroes are thin and stuff" I sigh "but I basically told him to shove it up his own ass and for channel for to find a better interviewer" I tell them. Both Robert and Chris smile "good one kid" Robert says before re-joining the group, Chris pulls me into a hug "you sure you're okay?" he asks I nod my head "yeah I'm fine" I say "should my hands feel all tingly?"

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now