Chapter 75

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A/N: hey I'm back from the dead! kinda, maybe not for long, who knows! I certainly don't! I'm sorry if updates have been painfully slow, and I know it can be frustrating when a book seemingly get left unfinished. I just haven't had the time, between lectures at uni, many many assignment including getting my dissertation sorted for next year, and work, my downtime is very limited to evening and its the only time I get to hang out with my friends, go out etc etc etc. I will continue to try writing and seeing your messages and comment saying how much you love this book and my other book have been so inspiring and helped push me back into writing. writing these books has definitely been a coping mechanism for me to help process stuff going on in my life, to the point where actual plot points are taken directly from my experience, more so in my Steve rogers book. I have had a hectic year between family drama, and breakdown of many friendships due to (untrue) rumours about me, my inner circle has become very close and thing like writing just had to take a break so I could focus on being happier and confident again. which I am finally, its taken some really great friends who stuck by me, and hopefully wattled can be a more regular hobby again. that being said this is just a hobby, and I can't and won't have a regular update schedule because I already have enough uni deadlines as it is! 

sorry for the super long message but needed to be honest and I hope its answered any questions ive been asked but haven't responded to. 

Chris's POV

"hey how are you feeling this morning munchkin?" I ask (Y/N) since I noticed she had barely touched her breakfast, "no, I'm feeling really rough I don't remember feeling this ill when I was pregnant with tash" (Y/N) sighs taking a small sip of water. Thanks to scarlett's encouragement (Y/N) was finally pregnant but the morning sickness this time around was a lot worse, "well it's the last week of shooting for us and in a couple weeks after getting home we have the 12 week scan if you still feel really bad then we can ask the doctor" I suggest. "yeah sounds good and I guess if it gets worse before then I'll just get a doctors appointment" (Y/N) says, "but hopefully it won't come to that, what time do you have to be on set again?" I ask her putting my plate away. "not until 12" (Y/N) says, "well why don't you go back to bed get some rest before you come in" I suggest as I clear up tash's high chair "but what about tash? Who'll look after her?" (Y/N) asks picking tash up. "give me a moment" I say pulling out my phone, "there sorted seb is happy coming into work early to watch her" I tell her. "oh a play date with uncle seb, you looking forward to that?" (Y/N) asks tash, "yay uncle seb, will he have his funny arm?" tash laughs. "he might do, we'll have to wait and see now lets go get you ready for your playdate" I smile taking tash "now mommy needs to have a nap so say night-night" I say getting tash to wave to (Y/N) "night mommy get better" tash says making (Y/N) chuckle. "thank you sweetie give mommy a kiss" (Y/N) smiles as tash gives (Y/N) a kiss on the cheek, "have fun with daddy and uncle seb" (Y/N) smiles give tash a quick kiss on the head. "hey what about me?" I smirk giving (Y/N) a fake sad expression, "mean mommy" tash giggles, making me and (Y/N) laugh "I'm sorry sweetie there you go" (Y/N) smirks giving me a quick kiss. "thank you, maybe later when you're feeling better you can give me another apology kiss" I smirk, "hey little ears" (Y/N) scolds with a slight blush. I gently cover tash's ears "so no?" I ask, "did you hear no?" (Y/N) smirks. "well I better get to work then" I smirk "come on princess lets go" I say putting tash down and getting her to run to her room. When we arrived at the set I took tash to seb's trailer "hey thanks for doing this man" I say as tash goes off to play with some toys I had brought. "hey no problem, how's (Y/N) doing?" seb asks, "not great, it sucks not being able to help either usually if its like the flu or something there's medicine but there's barely anything except just making sure she has less things to worry about" I sigh sitting down. "do you think its that thing that English princess had, oh what was her name?" seb asks me, "oh um kate middleton?" I say "yeah that really bad morning sickness" I say remembering it. "yeah atomic morning sickness" seb laughs, "gross but true maybe we do have an appointment when we get back home but we're hoping it gets better before then" I sigh, "yeah us too, we can all see how ill she looks when she has to work mornings" seb says sympathetically "credit to her though powering through she's super strong when it comes to this sort of thing" he adds. "yeah she is pretty strong, a few days ago I couldn't get out of a morning meeting and she took care of tash as well as hemsworth's kids while feeling terrible" I say remembering it, "whoa that is impressive, hey look I was supposed to keep this a secret from the two of you but the cast we brought you guys a couple things but her last day is a morning start do you think she'll be able to make it?" seb asks me. "I really don't know, but I have an idea of how it could work" I say.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now