Chapter 45

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"morning munchkin" Chris smiles when my eyes flutter open falling onto his bright blue eyes "morning gorgeous, how long have you been up?" I ask moving a bit of hair out my face. "a while now, just been watching you, it seemed like you had a nice dream" he says shuffling slightly closer, "guess it must have been, don't remember a single thing of it though" I laugh slightly resting my head on my hand. "what should we do today?" Chris asks rubbing his eyes "shall we do the walk to the highest point, it's on this island so we don't have to take a ferry" I suggest, Chris smiles and nods in agreement "okay I'll go grab a shower" he says sliding out of bed stretching as he goes. I decide to go wash my face in the bathroom at the same time, when I look in the mirror I notice the marks on my neck and collarbones from last night. My gaze travels downwards to my hips where I also see some bruises, at first I was confused as to how they got there but then I remembered of the grip Chris had on me. I smile at the memory no longer worried Chris then steps out of the shower and comes to stand behind me, "showers free" he says softly placing his hands on my hips. I jump slightly at the feeling as it turned out I was slightly tender there "you okay?" Chris asks worried removing his hands, he looks down at my hips and notices the bruising "holy shit, fuck did I do that!" he exclaims "(Y/N) I'm so fucking sorry" he apologises his face full of worry and regret. I turn to face him "Chris stop worrying, I'm fine they're evidence of a great night, plus there are probably some scratches on your back" I tell him, he nods his head "okay but we'll have a calm night tonight". I place my hand of his cheek "remember it's our honeymoon so relax okay?" I say reaching up to kiss him, "now I'm gonna have a shower and we can go on that walk".

"so where is the highest point I'm confused" Chris asks as we walked along a path, "just hold on we're almost there" I smile swinging our joined hands. We walk for a few more minutes until we reach a small post "here it is, the highest point of all the islands" I smiles pointing to the post, "what?" Chris asks confused "the Maldives are so flat that the highest point is only like 2 meters above sea level" I explain. Chris gives me the 'really?' look and just laughs "I honestly thought we would be trekking up a hill or something" I shake my head "I may like a bit of exercise but not on holiday" I laugh. He shakes his head at me "I don't know how I didn't clock onto it either, especially when you said it was on this island." He laughs, I smile up at him "I don't know either, do you want to walk around the markets that we passed on our way here?" I ask, he nods his head smiling before putting his arm around me "come on then let's go, I saw quite a few cool things on our way through"

We spend a large amount of time in the market talking to the friendly locals and learning a lot about local foods and produce, one stall holder was kind enough to let us try some samples since he recognised us. We took a photo with him and thanked him before moving on the another stall, Chris noticed one that sold little souvenirs which were much nicer than the ones that the hotel sold "hey I think I'm going to get these for the kids" he says pointing to some handmade fishes made of seashells "how much are they?" he asks the stall holder. "140 each" the stall holder says, Chris mutters to himself as he works out the exchange rate "that like $10 each, can we get that down to like 90?" he asks. The guys shakes his head "too low, 130" he offers, "how about 230 for 3 of them?" Chris ask picking up the 3 he wanted, "300 for 3" the guys offers. Chris thinks about it working out the exchange rate again "yeah deal" Chris smiles holding his hand out to shake, the guy shakes his hand and Chris pays and take the small bag with the gifts in. as we walk away Chris smiles "got them for about $6 each in the end, which isn't so bad all things considering" he says proudly, I take his hand again "yep and the kids will love them, we should probably get the others something too" I smile. Chris nods his head "yeah we'll worry about that later, it's getting close to lunch should we stop in one of these bars?" Chris ask pointing to the many bars on the high street, "yeah I wonder what food they do" I ask out loud. It turned out not many on the high street did any actually meals so we ended up walking to the coast in search of a café or something similar, we manage to find one on the beach which was a cross between a bar and a café. Both me and Chris ordered out food and went and sat on one of the benches that looked out onto the beach and sea, we sat there in a comfortable silence while he drank his beer and I had a cocktail. "shall we go relax on the beach after this?" Chris ask putting down his beer, "yeah sounds great, hey look a cat!" I exclaim pointing over to the cat that was now approaching us, a member of staff shoos the cat away as she brings over our food "is she your cat?" I ask the lady, she shakes her head "no a stray, but she's here so often that she may as well be, we give her scraps whenever we have some" she smiles. Both me and Chris watch as the cat starts playing with a leaf on the floor, we continue eating our food and finishing off our drinks.

As we stroll along the beach we find a nice spot and sit down, I was sat between Chris's legs as he sat behind hugging my waist resting his head on my shoulder "this is really nice" he sighs, "what is gorgeous?" I ask looking out into the ocean "this, just sitting here enjoying the beautiful view with the most amazing woman on the planet, scratch that in the universe" he says kissing my shoulder "and I'm sat with the best man in the universe too" I say looking over my shoulder at him. He smiles sweetly before placing a kiss on my forehead "I love you" he says, I place my hand on his cheek "I love you too" I smile placing my lips on his for a short but meaningful kiss. We sit there until late afternoon when we decide to walk back to the hotel, "should we do the scuba diving thing tomorrow? Because if we are I think we may need to book it sooner rather than later" Chris ask as we approach the hotel. "yeah sound good" I smile, "cool if you want I'll book it at the front desk and I'll meet you in the room" Chris suggest but I shake my head "no it's okay gorgeous I don't mind waiting". I stand with Chris as he books us onto a scuba diving course, while I waited I had a look through the brochures that's they had out picking up the ones I liked the look of "yeah that's great thank you" Chris smiles when it was all sorted "ready to head back?" he says asking me, I shove the brochures in my bag and take hold of his hand "yep lets go" I smile. We walk back to our cabin together looking out at the views, "should we order room service when we get in?" I ask looking at my watch to see it was 5pm "yeah sound good I'm quite hungry again now" Chris says rubbing his belly. "we could eat it outside overlooking the ocean" I suggest smiling up at him "sounds amazing" he says putting his arm around me and pulling me closer to kiss the top of my head.

"oh this looks good" I say pointing to the seafood plater "everything is locally caught in the morning using traditional method" Chris walks over to have a look at the picture of it "look quite big, we could share it though" he suggests "what do you want to drink?" he asks picking up the phone. "cocktail? Surprise me" I smirk, "okay then but you have to go into the bedroom so you can't hear me order it" he says pushing me gently into the bedroom before I could do anything. Just as he shuts the door I see I still have the menu in my hand, when I open the door I see Chris looking for it "Chris?" I say "you're supposed to not be listening" he says not turning round the face me. "Chris, looking for this?" I ask knowingly holding up the menu "yes I was, thank you munchkin" he smiles coming over to take it, when he does his kisses me quickly "now back in there otherwise it's not a surprise" he smirks shutting the door again. I relax on the bed reading a book and wait for Chris to finish, when he does he joins me on the bed and we end up cuddling and just talking until our food arrives. "ah that must be the food let me go get it all set up for us" Chris says when he hear a knock at the door, "okay I'm just going to the toilet and I'll be out" I smile heading to the toilet while Chris answers the door. Once I was finished I walk outside to see a the fancily laid out table "Chris" I say softly when I see it "you said to surprise you so I did" he smiles taking my hand and leading me to the table "it's lovely" I smile taking my seat while Chris helps tuck it in "and a rose for the loveliest of ladies" he adds pulling out a single rose and offering it to me. I take it and give it a quick sniff "very romantic Evans" I smirk, "anything for you Evans" he smiles back taking his seat. I take my drink and hold it up "to us" I smile, he lifts up his glass of beer and taps it against mine "to us" I take a sip of my cocktail and instantly love it "oh wow this is amazing" I exclaim taking another sip "I thought you would, it has everything you like in it I was kind of surprised you haven't had it yet" Chris smiles. We eat our meal as the sun begins its decent, just as it began to touch the sea and turn a beautiful shade of orange we had moved to sit in one of the deckchairs. I was sat in between Chris's legs while he aimlessly played with strands of my hair as I rested against him, I ran my fingers up and down the arm that was resting across my waist. I explored the contours of his defined arm through the sense of touch as both of our eyes watched as the sun set and the sky became slowly darker. Once the final bit of the sun had disappeared Chris kissed my exposed shoulder gently as he hugged me tightly "I love you" he sighs, I rest my head against his shoulder "I love you too" I sigh glancing up at him as he looked down before our lips met once again.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now