Chapter 3

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A/N sorry for lack of posting recently, but i have already written up to chapter 8 in advance so lots and lots of posting in the near future! xx


I sit on the sofa with dodger on my lap and continue to watch the lion king. Chris has an amazing collection of movie, Especially Disney movie. I start to sing along to hakuna matata so loudly I don't even hear Chris come in until the part where Simba begins to sing, he belts out the line making me jump in the process. Once I got over my shock I pause the movie and Chris comes and sits down next to me. "(Y/N), I have a surprise for you" he begins smiling like the Cheshire cat "well you know the job at that trampoline place that you hate so much?" I begin to wonder where this could be going "yes?... go on" I reply warily, unsure what could possible follow. "Well say goodbye to that old place and welcome to the marvel universe!" I must have looked incredibly confused as he began to explain himself " Stan lee has created a new superhero that is going to be part of the avengers." He explained "and I got you the role... only if you want it ... and if the screen test goes well with me and Scarlett but I'm sure you will do fine." He starts rambling, I laugh at him and leap in for a hug " OMG thank you thank you thank you!" I exclaim "so what's this hero like is she like black widow or does she have powers or" I'm the one that starts rambling now I stop when Chris puts his hand to my mouth. "Calm down okay? I don't really know a lot the only thing I know is.. Ah well" he says drifting of at the end " well what is it?" I ask. He stands up and walks behind the sofa that I was still sat on " well you play Steve Rogers love interest bye!" he say running and hiding behind the other sofa. I sit there unsure of what I just heard I look at the sofa where he hid with blank eyes. I don't even notice when he stands up to check my reaction, he waves his hand in front of my face. I snap out of my trance "but what about Sharon?" I ask quietly, Chris sits down in front of me on the coffee table. "well the fans and Stan noticed the lack of chemistry and thought I could do much better" he starts but I cut him off "but what about our friendship I don't want that to be ruined and..." this time he cut me off " it won't I promise, mine and Scarlett's relationship wasn't ruined after the nanny diaries" his words comfort me, the anxiety that once coursed through my body was replaced by excitement I leap once more for a hug not really thinking about where my body was going. I hear Chris yelp in pain and see his face crinkle up "what did I hit you in the chest to hard" I question him worriedly. His face was still all scrunched up "no your knee is in my ahh" he gasps. I look down to see I was on his private area, I get up as quickly as possible avoiding any more incidents. "omg Chris I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" I begin " do you need ice or anything?" he laughs at my panic "no I'll be fine I'm captain America of course" he begins to stand up only to sit back down "on second thought maybe an ice pack would help" I giggle as I go to the kitchen to prepare one.

Today was the day of the screen test all the nerves that I had been hiding for the last week or so were threatening to blow on the way there, Chris must have noticed since I wasn't singing along to the music like always. "(Y/N)?" he starts, I don't hear him my nerves taking control once more as I stare out the window "(Y/N)? You okay you seem distant" he asks again I turn to face him tears threatening to fall. "Oh (Y/N)." He sighs, he pulls up on the side of the road. I can see the building a few minutes away and my nerves multiply. I feel his hand on my shoulder, I look back over to see his face full of compassion "(Y/N) it's okay, you practically have the part they just want to double check." He says. I can't hold it in any longer and the tears start falling. He sighs and pulls me into a hug my tears wetting his top, he strokes my hair and whispers comforting words in my ear. " I don't think I can do this" I stutter through the sobs. "I didn't think I could do my first screen test for marvel either especially after the fantastic four flop" he say, I laugh remember the movie. "But look where it lead me, if I hadn't have done it I wouldn't be captain America and wouldn't have friends like Mack, Sebastian and RDJ now would I? Filming as an avenger was the best thing ever and wouldn't change it for the world." I listen to his kind words that calm my nerves, I sigh and sit up "I'll do it" I state. He looks at me almost proud "and I'll be there every step of the way I promise"

Chris POV

We walk into the building to see Scarlett already there, when she sees (Y/N) she squeals and runs in for a hug. (Y/N) reciprocate and the panic I saw only a few minutes ago seems to have disappear completely. I shake hands with the Russo brothers as the girls talk about this that and everything as if they had never been apart. " alright the first screen test is with Scarlett" joe starts breaking the girls from their catch up " it will be set just before a fight scene between Natasha and your character Jennifer where Natasha is training you but pushing you too hard" (Y/N) nods in agreement already knowing her lines since the screen test script arrived earlier on in the week. We all walk into an empty room to simulate the training room in the movie before the girls begin. I watch in amazement at she screams at Scarlett as Scarlett screams back, in the scene Natasha says some really hurtful things and I have to stop myself from intervening knowing that it was only acting. The scene ends with Natasha and Jennifer entering a fighting stance before the real fight begins. The room falls quiet as I look to (Y/N) as she pants and goes to hug Scarlett who hugs her back. The Russo brothers nod approvingly before asking me to take my place. "this scene is where Jennifer is really distraught and is struggling to get over her feeling towards Steve and to cheer her up Steve and Jennifer are cuddling and... never mind you read the script" Anthony says sighing.

We take our place on a stage block and (Y/N) prepares herself, just before they tell us to start the tears are streaming down her face. We begin to act, I place my arm around (Y/N) and pull her into me "Steve I...I can't do this" (Y/N) says pulling herself away from me. "Why what can't you do?" I begin "recently I have watched as you distance yourself further and further away from me and when I come to comfort you, you push me away again" (Y/N)'s tears continue to roll as I look into her (E/C) eyes "this." She whispers "I can't do this, as hard as I try Steve. I want to be around you and with you but it hurt me too much" she sobs once more. I stand up and put my hand on her arms "Jennifer I would never do anything to hurt you in any way" I say looking into her eyes forcing them to look at mine "I love you too much to do that" (Y/N) looks shock at my line "what?" she says looking desperately into my eyes. She goes to speak but I cut her off by placing me lips on hers, she immediately responds by kissing back. We move our lips in sync as I hold her around her petite waist and her arms move to my neck and hair deepening the kiss. We pull away her touch lingering on my body and lips as I look down into her eyes once more and rest my forehead against hers. " I love you" I whisper "I love you too she" whispers back. We break away at the sound of clapping, I look over to see the Russo brother clapping along with Scarlett. Joe walks over "welcome to the marvel universe (Y/N)"

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now