Chapter 22

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(Y/N)'s POV

He was like a child at Christmas, "(Y/N) c'mon wake up!" Chris says bouncing the bed. I groan slightly and start to sit up, I look over at the clock and groan once more "Chris its 7am on a Saturday, you know the day where you're supposed to have a lie in" I say lying back down pulling the covers over my head. "I know but I couldn't sleep, and it's the patriots' game! The one with the best seats ever! The ones you got me! How could you not be excited" he says whipping back the covers, "I am excited but also sleepy" I turn over to face him "just another half an hour please?" I ask. His shoulders visibly drop and he pulls his puppy face, I close my eyes and try to block it out but curiosity wins and I open on eye to see him still with the same expression. "fine, I'm up" I sigh smiling "special pancakes for breakfast?" I ask sitting up, Chris' expression turns to one of confusion "special pancakes?" he asks. I simply smile and tap my nose "you'll find out soon enough, why don't you get in the shower and get dressed while I make breakfast" I say, he raises and eyebrow but gets up and heads into the bathroom not before giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.

I make my way into the kitchen and give dodger his breakfast before moving onto mine and Chris's, I had found this recipe online on how to make football shaped pancakes. The batter was quick and easy to make, with only a small amount of food dye to give it its colour, I had brought a football shaped cake cutter to make the shape with. I placed the cake cutter on the pan and poured in the mixture, once I was certain the mixture was done on one side I removed the cutter and flipped it. the pancakes actually turned out pretty good, I used different toppings to create the stitching ranging from bacon to different types of syrups. By the time Chris had come downstairs all dressed up in his patriots top and cap I had finished making all the pancakes, he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I grab his plate and hold it to him so he can see the pancakes "WOW!" he exclaims "that's so cool!" I releases me and grabs the plate holding up one of the pancakes expecting it closely, I smile as I watch him take a bit "aw wicked good" he says shaking his head in pleasure. "glad you like them" I laugh taking a bite of my own, "like them? I love them! I can already tell this is gonna be a good day!" he say in between mouthfuls. We sit in a comfortable silence as we finish our breakfasts "now I'll clean this up while you go grab a shower and get dressed" Chris smirks as he picks up the now empty plates "why thank you kind sir" I smile placing a kiss on his cheek "It's my pleasure ma'am" he smile back.

After the shower I walk out in my towel and find clothes set aside for me, I smile when I see it a brand new patriots top and a cap just like Chris's. I get dressed into the new top, amazed at how well it fits my body. I place the cap over my now dry hair that falls down my back, I see Chris's football in the corner and pick it up. "hey Chris think fast!" I call as I enter the lounge, Chris whips around to face me just in time to catch the ball "whoa (Y/N) careful on that arm, you almost knocked me over" he laughs as he clutched the ball in two hands. "well its now 11am and we don't have to leave for the game until 1pm so why don't we take this outside and just play catch for a while?" I say looking at my wrist as if it had a watch on, "you sure (Y/N)? I mean I know you can handle yourself but with this arm, well I'm not too sure" he mocks pointing to his own arm smiling. I shake my head smiling "wanna put your money where your mouth is huh Evans?" I smirk, holding my hands out for the ball which I throws to me "oh it's on, whoever drops the ball the most loses!" he says walking towards the garden.

We throw the ball back and forth having random conversations until half twelve when we get ready to head out to the game. "do you want to get something there or have something like a sandwich now?" I ask putting down the ball, "hot dogs and all that are part of the atmosphere of course we will eat there, I thought you were a fan!" Chris laughs. I mock hurt, "I am a fan, I was just wondering, just in case you wanted a sandwich" I say walking over to him placing my hand on his chest "now let's get off to the game shall we?" he gazes down and locks his blue eyes onto mine, he simply smiles before leaning down and kissing me. "yes let's go" he says once he pulls away, we begins to make our way towards to door "wait I forgot something!" Chris says running back to the kitchen. He returns ball in hand and puts an arm around my waist and leads me to the car "after you milady" he says poshly "why thank you kind sir" I reply taking my seat in the car. Chris runs round and jumps in the car and we pull away to the game.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now