Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s POV

Since none of us wanted to go out we all decided to stay in and play games all day. we played almost every single card game, without any gambling must to Roberts dismay. We even played some board games, we were currently playing monopoly and had all teamed up. Paul was with Lizzie, Mack was with Seb, Jeremy was with Scarlett and mark, Robert was with Hemsworth and I was with Chris. Robert and Hemsworth had just upgraded to hotels on Mayfair and Parklane, while me and Chris had hotels on all the red properties. Paul and lizzie were out first after landing on super tax every time, this was followed by Jeremy, Scarlett and mark who thanks to Jeremy spent all their money on the stations and then lost it all when landing on our houses on fleet street. This just left the last 3 teams, mack and seb had lots of different houses dotted around the place, but were currently in jail. "yes double 6" Mackie cries out, he moved their piece and it landed on the chance square. After taking the card Seb rolls again getting double 5 "give me five brother" Mackie calls out moving their piece again. "now don't get a double this time, I don't wanna go back to jail" seb says patting mack on the back. This time it was just a 2 and a 3, the boys sigh in relief not noting where they were going to land. They counted down the squares as they moved, "3,4.... Aw naw!" Mackie complains as he placed the piece down onto Roberts and Hemsworth's hotel. Noticing how little money they had left, they handed over the money and mortgaged all of their properties leaving them with only a small amount. The game continues until mack and seb once again land on Roberts and hemsworths hotel, taking them out of the game. " now it's just you and us" I say eying the last remaining pair. I roll the dice and get a high enough number to land on start just past Roberts and hemsworths spaces. "alright let me just warm up" Robert says rolling his neck and arms while Chris massages his shoulders eying us. He rolls the dice in his hands for a while before throwing it, they land on our first hotel "CRAP!" Robert shouts "it's okay we still have some money". After our roll it returns to them, they rolls a total of 2 leaving them on our last and most expensive hotel, "we're out." Robert sighs as he hands over the money "no we're not we can mortgage the hotels!" Chris says optimistically. "no the money we would get we owe to them" Robert sighs obviously upset at the lost. Me and Chris start casually fanning ourselves with the money that we won. I look up at the clock and see the time, "Chris its 4 we should probably start getting ready to leave" I sigh, I was upset we had to cut the trip short but I knew it was unfair on the others if we stayed. Chris glances up at the clock "yeah c'mom we still need to pack the last little things" he stands up and holds out his hand to help me up. We walk back to our room as the cast watches us go sadly.

We were holding our luggage as we said our goodbyes to the cast, this was the hardest part. I told them to enjoy themselves and not worry about us, I promised I would call or text when we got back no matter what time it was. These guys were literally like my parents, only slightly more worried. I feel Chris's arms snake around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder "you ready to go sweetheart?" he says softly "the taxi is outside". I smile up at him "yeah let's go" we say our final goodbyes as we leave the apartment, there were only a few paparazzi waiting outside. We block our faces and jump into the car as fast as possible. I relax once in the car and we pull away from the paparazzi desperate to get a story out of us. Once at the airport we try to remain as inconspicuous as possible, getting into the first class lounge as quickly as possible and finding a corner to sit in. we sit there for about 20 minutes before our flight was called, "bye London" I sigh standing up. Chris laughs lightly at my comment "yep see ya later London," he smiles down to me before taking my hand determined not to lose me in the airport. We got on the plane and into our seats I wasn't as hyperactive this time, Chris notices this and swaps seats with me so I wasn't next to the aisle. Once we took of I watch as we fly through the sky, I tried not to fall asleep as when we get back to Chris's house it would be 10 o'clock at night, but we were used to England time so it would feel like 3 am when we got back. I glance over to see Chris already asleep, I nudge him slightly to wake him since we both don't want jetlag. "Chris sweetie we both said we would stay awake" I whisper softly as he opens his eyes, "but I'm tired" he says looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. I laugh quietly at him, "c'mon lets watch movies together. We decide to watch ones we hadn't seen before, and if one of us fell asleep the other would wake them up. This was usually me waking Chris us, he would murmur a sorry before returning his attention to the movie. We had about 3 hours left of the flight and I was really battling with tiredness, before I knew it I was asleep on Chris's shoulder.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now