Chapter 20

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(Y/N)'s POV

I knew going back outside was a bad idea, I should have listened to my gut instincts and stayed at home. I wake up feeling the bed beside me was cold and only finding dodger on the floor. Confused I get up a slip on one of Chris' hoodies taking in his scent calming me down. I walk slowly into the bathroom and splash some water in my face, I look at myself in the mirror and hate what I see. The dark circles around my eyes were clearly evident and I look sickly pale, I stop myself and leave the bathroom. I sigh and walk out of the bedroom and downstairs to find Chris, I find him with the rest of the cast in the kitchen eating breakfast. The conversation dies when I walk in, I see them all looking at me wondering what I would do. Chris breaks the silence and comes over and gives me a kiss on the forehead, I can't help but smile slightly "morning munchkin, I was just about to bring you breakfast in bed" he say smiling down at me "but you can join us now" he leads me to a chair next to mackie and lizzie and places a pile of pancakes in front of me. I wasn't that hungry but eat a small amount anyway so I wasn't rude, while we eat Chris and Robert are looking at their phones the entire time probably looking to see if anything was written about last night. "RDJ, can I talk to you for a minute?" Chris says looking up at his phone "I want to talk to you about something to do with the movie" the cast all turn their attention to Chris. "yeah sure, I don't see why not" Robert say still looking at his phone as he get up and follows Chris out of the room. While I eat the others try and make conversation with me but I quickly end it, not really wanting to talk. I notice Scarlett showing Jeremy something on her phone making both of them smile. "(Y/N) I was thinking we could have a pamper day today, you know give each other facials and paint out nails" lizzie suggests, I ponder at the idea "oh gurl I would love that!" Mackie calls making me smile slightly. "yeah I guess that would be fun, but we have to paint Mackie and seb's nails pink" I whisper not lifting my eye line from the table. "hey I didn't agree to this" seb protests, lizzie shoots him a look "okay fine" he says as he gives in.

It was halfway through our pamper day and we had just given seb and Mackie facemasks, I still hadn't seen Chris or Robert all day yet. That fact that I couldn't find my phone only worried me, I knew there was a story and it panicked me enough to not want to know what it was. Finally Chris reappears with a smile on his face, "(Y/N) can I talk to you for a sec in private?" he asked hopefully. I put down the bowl with the facemask in and walk over to Chris, he puts his arm around me and leads me into his office where Robert also was. "I thought we were talking in private?" I ask confused, they both just smile at me. "okay can we just show her already?" Robert asks, Chris nods and turns around the office chair I was sat in to look at his computer. They click play and a video appears. I watch as each cast member pleads for help, I watch as they talk about me and how fun and happy I was. I hear them tell my story, repeating crucial parts. They tell the world about how depressed I have become and my anxiety, I watch as some of them well up at the words they convey. I see Chris staring into the camera, into my eyes "please help (Y/N), help us stop what the media is doing to her" he says a tear rolling down his cheek. I see videos of me messing around with the cast while filming, I smile sadly at the memories, the video fades to black at a picture of me smiling. "what does this mean?" I ask not taking my eyes of the screen, "it means this" Chris say showing me the overwhelming comments from fans supporting me and saying it was horrid what the media did to me, I then see emails from different media websites apologising for their behaviour and saying they never meant any harm and that they wouldn't do it again. I begin to cry "oh (Y/N) I didn't mean to upset you" Chris says softly hugging me tightly. I begin to laugh through the tears "you didn't, I can't believe you did this" I look up to see the rest of the cast listening in by the door. I stand up and run into their arms, crying "thank you" I say again and again. I think of my fans, our fans and how amazing they were. "when did you make this?" I ask smiling through the tears. "last night after you went to sleep" Hemsworth says, "we would do anything if it meant helping you" seb adds. I turn to face Chris I see him watching me tears in his eyes, I run over and launch myself into his embrace. "you are the best human to ever walk the planet!" I say smiling up at him "I love you so much" I continue before placing my lips onto his, for once being to one to initiate it. while I knew I wasn't fully better, it was a big step in the right direction, one less thing to worry about. I turn back to the computer and begin to read email upon email, my eyes fall upon one from Ellen. My jaw drops when I see it's her personal one not an Ellen show one, she even put her number in the email asking for me to call or text her. "Chris look" I say pointing to the number, he looks over my shoulder and smiles "she was one of the few that didn't actually say anything about you," he say "maybe we should give her a call". he reaches into his pocket for his phone but I stop him, "let's not worry about that now and spend what little time we have with these guys before they go" I smile gesturing towards the cast. "could we go to escape the room?" Jeremy asks innocently "I've always wanted to do one of those" I smile at him and nod my head. "can we take all this off now" seb asks gesturing to his face which still had a mask on, I laugh and take him to the nearest bathroom lizzie, mack and Scarlett in tow. We finally got all of the masks off when Chris pokes his head in "we need to head off now to get there in time" he say, "What!" seb and Mackie say in sync "we still have our nails painted!" Chris laughs "well you look lovely if that's any help, oh (Y/N) here's your phone back I took it so you wouldn't see the surprise too early". I take me phone and slip it into my back pocket before kissing him on the cheek, "c'mon boys out you get!" I say herding the boys out of the bathroom.

We all arrive at 'escape the room' and we placed into our room, Mackie and seb kept their hand it their pockets hoping it hid their nails. Once inside we all started taking inventory of the room, it was similar to an office. We began looking through everything that opened finding objects and leaving them out in case we needed them later, every so often a clue would pop up on the screen. Within 15 minutes we found a key and managed to open a door, thinking we did it but it was just an extra room. We later found a torch unsure what to do with it until I noticed a light switch, "turn the torch on!" I say as I flick the switch plunging the room. Paul who had the torch began to shine it around the room stopping when he noticed a code on the wall. We only had one more padlock to open in the first room, I read out the code to Scarlett who began to unlock the box. "it's a scroll" she shouts into the room "it says: there's always a secret door" we had 15 minutes left so we all began looking for the door. I was pulling books off the bookcase while Chris looked behind it for a door, I glance over my shoulder and see seb and Mackie looking under the desk for a button. "yay!" I hear Robert call from the other room, he comes running into the room holding a key. We follow him to the door as he puts the key into the lock, we hold our breaths as he tries to turn it. it opens, we did it. we all cheer and clap each other as we exit the room, "well done guys, you did it with 12 minutes to spare" an employee says handing us certificates. "well if the cast of the avengers can't do it nobody can" Chris Hemsworth laughs "now all that escaping has made me hungry, I don't know about you guy but I could eat a horse", we all nod our heads in agreement "awesome, I noticed this sushi place on the way here that looked pretty cool so off we go" Chris continues pushing us out of the door before we had a chance to protest. 

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now