Chapter 58

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I was actually starting to get sick of being pregnant, it was a week until my due date and it felt like it was going to be a long week. I no longer felt comfortable, I was exhausted, I was hungry, any messiness in the house annoyed me. I was currently doing some washing up when Chris came in talking to someone on the phone, while grabbing himself a drink "oh (Y/N)? Yeah she's fine getting pretty close now man" he says glancing over at me. My ears prick at the sound of my name "yeah pretty scary, but in a good way, what's she doing right now? Oh doing washing up" he continues taking a sip of his drink, "I tried to offer" he laughs lowering his voice for the next bit "she's nesting at the moment" he whispers. I instantly get annoyed, sick of hearing that phrase "I am not nesting!" I snap slamming down the sponge that was in my hand. Chris looks shocked out my outburst "I'm sorry munchkin, it was just a joke" he defends, I remove the gloves "not a very funny one" I fire back storming as much as I could out of the kitchen, Chris in tow "Mackie I'm going to have to call you back, yes I know not to say that now, you don't need to tell me" he says ending the call. "(Y/N) sweetie hold on" he says as I continue up the stairs and into our room, I try to shut the door but he gets there faster than I thought following me in. "(Y/N), I'm sorry okay I shouldn't have joked about that" he apologised as I sit myself down on the edge of the bed, I rub my face tiredly not replying. "(Y/N) what's wrong, tell me and I'll make it all better" he says moving to sit down beside me "I'm tired Chris, my back hurts so much, I can't get comfortable at all, I feel hungry most of the time, mess just annoys me right now" I sigh dropping my hands to my lap, "I just kind of want this to be over so we can get on with the next stage" I add. Chris puts his arm around me "I know and I'm sorry I'm probably not helping out as much as I should, just tell me what you want to do and what you want me to do" he says rubbing my back soothingly "first pick up that sock because it's really annoying me, and then carry on with this because it feels nice" I say pointing to one of his socks that was lying on the floor. "why don't you take a nap, relax for a little while" he says as he stands up "but the dishes" I begins, "I'll do them as you sleep now lie down and relax" Chris says putting his sock in the dirty hamper. I sigh and do as I'm told lying down and pulling the covers up, I then watch as Chris moves to his side of the bed and lies down beside me "I thought you were going to do the dishes" I ask, "I will but I'm going to help you fall asleep first" he says moving over to wrap his arms around me, kissing my shoulders and neck. "thank you" I sigh happily as I close my eyes and let myself fall asleep in his arms.

It was now my due date, I was trying to act like it was a normal day since most of the books I read said it's very rare to actually give birth on your due date, but I couldn't not at all. I found myself not being able to keep myself occupied for a long enough period of time, I would watch tv for about 10 minutes then get bored and go on my phone and then get bored of that and return to the tv, and then repeat the process multiple times. As the day went on my thoughts were conflicted between 'it's gonna happen soon, I mean it's getting closer and closer to the end of the day' and 'what am I saying? It's not going to happen today I could bet $100 that it won't'. me and Chris were currently re-watching old episodes of how I met your mother but I kept on fidgeting nothing being able to hold my attention for long enough, so much so that Chris ended up pausing the tv. "hey I was watching that" I complain looking over at him, "no you weren't you were staring out the window for about 5 minutes straight" he says pointing over to the window in question. "it wasn't 5 minutes, more like a minute" I say slowly, "okay, what's up? You've been all fidgety all day" he says turning to face me. "well I'm just anxious that today may be it, it is my due date after all, and I know it's highly unlikely but I just can't seem to relax" I sigh explaining my thoughts to him, he nods his head in understanding "I know I can't seem to shake the feeling too, but I just know it's going to be soon either way" Chris sighs placing a hand on my leg. "how are you so relaxed?" I ask wondering how he was able to act to calm, "I'm not calm, the same thoughts you have are racing through my mind too, my eyes do keep on flicking to the clock wondering how long" he explains. "give me your feet" he then says, I raise an eyebrow at him "what?" I ask, "you heard me, feet up here" he says patting his lap. I do as he say moving so my feet rested in his lap, "now lie back and relax" he says, "can I lie on my side, its slightly more comfortable" I ask, he nods his head and I move my feet still in his lap. I wonder what he was doing but then I feel him rub my feet gently making me instantly relax, "now close your eyes and just listen to me" Chris says, I close my eyes and begin to listen to him. He starts telling me stories, his points of view from different points in our lives, from the day we first met to last week. His voice was soft and soothing almost melodic, I smile to myself remembering all the things he was telling me my thoughts travelling to those days and not focussing on what today was. As he continues on his words get softer and quieter as I unknowingly fell asleep listening to his stories. Once I was fully asleep Chris gently got up from the couch and laid a blanket over me "there we go, now I'm going to go check everything is in the hospital bag again" he whispers quietly walking out of the room.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now