Chapter 18

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*A picture of Rose on her first day of kindergarden*

Please make me smile by clicking the star button at the end of the chapter xxxxxx

Hope you enjoy it 💓💓💓 xx


My phone buzzed at the side of my bed, indicating that I had received a message.

Ruby, Rose and I broke up our hug as I grabbed my phone.

It was a text from Brody.

Brody: Hey beautiful :) . Just wanted to know  how you're doing ?

I smiled at my phone like a maniac. What is this guy doing to me?"

I texted back: Hey :) . I'm doing great actually , thanks for asking. How you doing?"

He replied almost instantly.

Brody: Ever since you said yes, I've been feeling over the moon ;) . Enjoy your day babe xxx

I still can't believe I said yes to going on a date with Brody King. My first actual date will be with him! Yikes I must be dreaming.

I replied with a quick "you too :)" , before switching my phone off.

I wiped my tears with the tissues on my dressing table, as I offered Rose and Ruby too.

"I can't believe you never told me this Rose. I mean, it happened so long ago. I can't imagine you having to keep this all to yourself." Ruby looked saddened and helpless. She held so much love and compassion for her sister.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't feel the need to burden you with this. Besides I hardly remember what happened but the images that do pop up, it is unthinkable." Rose sighed heavily as Ruby hugged her and let her know that it was okay.

"This is so ... I have no words. What do we do now?" Rose asked.

That's right. What do we do now?

"I really don't know." I sighed in defeat.

"I think maybe we should tell mom, Aunt Hazel and Hank tonight after the whole family has left, and just take things from there. What do you two think?" Ruby asked.

"That sounds cool. Yeah tonight it is." I nodded as Rose did the same.

"Girls! Come down please!"  Aunt Jessica yelled from downstairs.

"We better go down before mom goes all Oprah on us." Ruby said with a small laugh.

"Don't want that happening now do we." Rose shook her head as she cracked a grin at her sister.

I'm not gonna lie. I do feel a tinge of jealousy towards Rose and Ruby's relationship, but I know that they've already created a strong sisterly bond with each other, so me being jealous is unfair and quite selfish.

Rose was such a beautiful girl. Dressed in a plum dress and small wedge heels. She looked just like my mom. My heart clenched at the fact.

How extremely unexpected this whole situation was, was beyond me. I still found it hard to process it. Words were just beyond me.

We made our way downstairs, and could hear all the loud chattering from many different voices coming from the living room.

As we entered the living, I was surprised to see so many people.

Many middle aged men and women were seated, while some stood up. It also consisted of little boys running around and a group of guys who seemed to be around my age, chattering away with each other. No wonder Ruby had said she finally had a girl cousin.

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