Chapter 26

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Liam and I had some huge differences in appearances. For instance, he had dirty blonde hair whilst I had chocolate brown hair. He had sharp facial features, defining his masculinity, strongly contrasting to my feminine ones. The most obvious was that his arms were covered in tattoos and well I had none.

But it was those eyes that made me halt in my steps. His brown eyes evoked a sense of familiarity. Like I knew him.

I knew there was something about Liam that felt familiar. You could call it a twin tuition of some sorts, or I don't know. I'm so confused.

How was this even possible?

"Uhm yeah?" Liam asked, confusion flickering through his eyes.

"I... err." I stammered out anxiously. My stomach knotted in discomfort.

Yikes. I knew I shouldn't have skipped breakfast.

"You're... my brother." The last part came out breathlessly as my heart clenched at the possible fact.

My eyes stung with tears but I tried my best to hold them back.

"I don't think... It can't be. I..." He sighed. "I really need to get to work."

The shocked looks on everyones faces at my declaration did not go missed.

"Please. Just five minutes. I promise." I offered to which he gave a slight, reluctant nod.

"I know this question is quite personal and might come across as rude, but I need to know. Were you adopted?" My voice wavered a bit.

Everyone was quiet as the room filled with tension at my blunt question.

His eyebrows rose with shock at my sudden question before he sighed. "Yeah I am. How did you know?"

"I feel it coming." Scott babbled with excitement.

"I feel it coming too." Hank repeated with the same enthusiasm.

I almost laughed because they were being weird, but then again, Scott had a way of infecting people with his sillyness. And, I had to give my full attention on Liam who might full well be my brother.

My twin.

"Do you have any idea who your family might be or any clue of them being alive?" My question came out rushed, but I couldn't stop myself.

Liam took a deep breath before answering. "I don't know really." He sighed again and rubbed his face. "They, my parents, died a long time ago, along with my sisters. Apparently it was some robbery at a hotel where some gang members just shot whoever got in there way. I remember nothing though."

My mouth fell open.

He is my brother.

My heart clenched at the fact. I just wanted to hug him and tell him how much I've missed him. Eight years! It's been eight years since that fateful day.

Rose ran up to Liam and hugged him out of the blue which took him by surprise.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling. I was a water mess.

"We... you're my brother. I thought you died but you didn't and... and I'm." I just broke into a sob.

His eyes widened when the realisation dawned upon him. "You're my sister?" He asked me, to which I weakly nodded.

"And Rose is your little sister." I smiled with tears in my eyes.

He looked down at Rose who had her arms wrapped around his waist. I saw him mutter "I can't believe this."

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