Chapter 10

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Munching on the pie I had bought from the cafeteria, excitement was building up inside of me just thinking of seeing Scott on Saturday. Literally can't wait. I was so lost in thought as Julie tapped my shoulder.

"Who's got you smiling so bright Lily?" She asked, waggling her eyebrows.

"Well..." I started. I should probably tell them about him. "My best friend just moved here and I get to see him on Saturday. " I chirped.

"Is he too one of those sexy South African guys huh?" Mary asked, her face full of expectation.

I mentally face-palmed myself. I hadn't thought about that.

"Um, unfortunately not." I laughed dryly. Her face held a frown. "But he is totally sexy." I tried to lighten up her face, which by the way worked.

"Yay! I totally call dibs on him." She squealed.

"Yeah, like I was totally gonna go for him." Katie said rolling her eyes. Sarcasm dripping off her tongue. She then looked at me. "Not that he's not sexy and all that jazz." She said, giving me an apologetic look to which I smiled for. I almost laughed at how rather uncomfortable she looked saying the word sexy. Almost.

"Whatever Katie. So we'll be meeting him this Saturday." Mary stated matter-of-factly.

"So forward." Julie muttered. Either Mary never heard Julie, or she just chose to ignore her.

"I'm not sure. I'll have to speak to Scott about that." I said. I hope he'll be fine with it. Oh what am I saying? Of course he'll be fine with it. He is one charming guy and would surely love to meet my new friends.

"Scott, mhmm. Love the name. What's his surname?" Mary's eyes were bright with excitement.

"Hardy." I answered.

"Scott Hardy." She stated. "I'm in love." She sighed dreamily to which Katie and I laughed.

"Becca." I nudged her with my shoulder. "Why so quiet?" Becca's never this quiet - always has something to say, but right now, she's so engrossed in her phone she just blocked us all out. I wonder what's got her attention.

"Um, huh?" She asked raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow. Still not making eye contact with any of us.

"What you doing?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." She said standing up, and for the first time making direct eye contact with me and the girls.

"Sorry girls, I need to go... pee." Her behaviour was rather unusual. As she left, Julie immediately spoke up.

"Can only mean one thing."

"What?" I asked.

"It's a guy." Katie answered. "Typical." she then muttered.

"How do you guys know?" I questioned.

"Well for one, she's abnormally quiet. Two - she pee'd already before we came here." I chuckled at that. "And three it's so obvious because she can't stop smiling at her phone." And for emphasis she added duh.

"Clearly I lack in the love-struck department." I chuckled and they all nodded their heads in agreement. "Wow guys, thanks." I laughed. "Who could it be?"

"There's only one way to find out." Mary said, looking deep in thought.

"And that is..." Katie urged.

"We follow her." She stated. "Let's go find her girls. We have like." She glanced at her wrist watch. "15 more minutes left before the bell rings."

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