Chapter 13

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A GIF of Mary xxxx

Mary's POV

"It's over."

No. Now way in hell!

"What do you mean its over?" I hissed, trying to stay as calm as possible.

"I'm sorry Mary but we both knew that this thing we had." He gestured between us. "Wouldn't have lasted and besides, you're a stunning girl. Any guy would be lucky to have you in their life. It's just that that guy won't be me." He said trying to let me down easy.

What the actual fuck?

Does he actually think he can just sleep with me and get rid of me that easily? Well he's mistaken.

We've been together for about a year and a half now.

What's changed?!

"You asshole! You used me! Now that I'm no longer good enough for you, you break up with me? Fuck you!" I yelled.

"Mary please calm do-"

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down!" I yelled. "You broke my virginity!" I hissed.

"Woah hold on there." He said putting his hands up in surender. "You're the one who came onto me, not the other way around. We were never in a relationship. I thought you said "no strings attached" but it looks like you became attached." He said shaking his head.

I was crying the entire time during my rant.

My heart shattered into a million pieces.

It's over.

No. I can't accept that.

I love him.

We're so good together, great actually but she just had to ruin everything.

"It's because of her isn't it ?" I asked, my temper slowly subsiding.

"Look Mary. I'm sorry and I hope you forgive me one day. I never meant to hurt you." He then turned around but I was quick because I caught his arm and turned him right back.

"Answer me." I demanded.

"Yeah it's because of her." He whispered then pulled his arm out of my grasp and walked away, shutting the classroom door with a slight bang.

I felt so weak at this moment.

The only time I felt like this was when kids use to bully me in middle school for being overweight - a time in my life where I had given up on everything, literally eating my life away.

It took me two years to lose all that weight but it was all worth it.

After losing all that weight, I was ready to conquer this world. I literally made heads turn, especially the guys but I wasn't interested in any of them.

It was always him.

Zack Rider.

The guy I fell in love with since middle school.

He always stood up for me when kids called me names or tried to pick on me and was the only guy who really took an interest in my well-being.

I love him so much but he doesn't reciprocate my feelings.

He was right. We weren't in a relationship. We were what you would call "friends with benefits".

But it didn't make me feel any better. I honestly thought maybe, just maybe he'll learn to love me.

We were meant to be.

I want a future with him. He's my everything.

Ever since Lily came into the picture he's been quite distant but it didn't affect what we had until now.

I remembered telling Lily about me not wanting to give the "cookie" away before marriage but I lied.

I had given up my virginity about a year and a half ago to the one and only Mr. Zack Rider.

It just felt right and I know in my heart that there's no guy in this world that I could ever love more than I love him.

He's my world , my everything.

And if I can't have him? Then I have absolutely no reason to live.

He was my only shot at happiness.

I don't care what anyone thinks about me. Maybe I'm being selfish but that's just how I feel - fuck what people say.

My body was racking with sobs as I made my way out of class.

The halls were empty as everyone else went home already.

I always walked home because I live like five minutes away and I like the exercise, but today I just wasn't in the mood.

Wiping my bloodshot eyes, I made my way into my house.

"Hey! Is that you Mary?" My 23 year old brother Mario yelled from the kitchen.

Clearing my voice to sound as normal as possible. "Yeah, I'm just gonna lie down a bit. I'm tired." I yelled back which took so much energy.


As soon as I came into my room, I locked it and collapsed on my bed.

I was exhausted.

Taking my hand mirror out of my jean pocket, I stared at myself.

Why couldn't I be good enough?

What does she have that I don't?

I'm useless.

I threw my hand mirror on the ground and I heard it crack just like how my heart did earlier.

The only thing that could lessen the pain was chocolate, some crisps and a whole lot of junk food.

Luckily I have my own stash of junk food that I only eat at least once every three weeks in my cupboard just to balance my diet.

I usually had a few crisps or a bar of chocolate or something sweet but right now - I need everything.

I was craving them so bad right now.

Grabbing all my yummy goodies, I sat on my bed and put one of my favourite movies on, The Vow.

And that's how I spent my Monday night.

Eating, crying, movies, crying and more crying.

My life sucks.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter .

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