Chapter 27

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* A picture of Lily in hospital*

Enjoy and don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT me your thoughts lovelies ♥♥♥


It was a struggle to open up my eyes because of the bright light in the room restricting me from keeping them open.

Eventually I blinked a few times in my hazy state, trying to get rid of the blur that surrounded my eyes.

I couldn't speak, my throat was way too dry for comfort.

"Babe." I recognised that voice straight away. "Thank God you're awake."

Brody immediately grabbed a bottle of water that was on the counter beside him. I took this time to realise that I was in fact in the hospital.

Ahhh. I fainted. Yikes.

"You must be thirsty." He sat me up and put a straw inside the bottle and made me take a few much needed sips.

"Where's everyone?"

"Your family and friends are outside. They just gave me some time alone with you." He said with a small smile, kissing the top of my head. "I'm glad you're okay. You scared me."

Brody then went and opened the door with a huge smile. "She's awake."

Many may think that Brody and I had moved way too fast in our relationship, but I knew the moment I saw him that he was different - cliché but oh so true.

I fell instantly in love with him and that may have been a dangerous thing, but I knew he felt the same.

I guess it was those "love at first sight" kinda situations.

Brody was my first love, and I'd like to hope it's a forever type of love too.

Everyone I considered a big part of my life was in this small room, relieved that I was okay.

Brody left so that I could have time with everyone else. I couldn't help but feel so much gratitude towards him for being so considerate.

I had been told that I was admitted in the hospital late yesterday afternoon.

Hazel and Hank informed me that the doctors say the reason I had fainted was because I had not in fact eaten breakfast that morning.


Also the stress of finding out that Ruby's dad was one of the people who killed, no murdered my parents, made me livid. I wanted to scream. To yell in his face at how he ruined my life. How my whole world came apart. That he broke me at such a young age.

It was just too much to handle at that moment, resulting in me fainting.

Aunt Jessica and Ruby looked extremely ashamed and guilty. Both apologising to me profusely, but I did not blame them one bit. It was the actions of one horrible person, not them.

I assured them that I held no grudge against them and that we'll sort everything out once I get out of hospital. I gave them both reassuring hugs making it known that I do not blame them at all.

Rose hugged the life out of me, making me promise to call her when I get home. You'd swear she was the older sister. I chuckled at that.

Scott had to work this morning and left me dozens of apologies on my phone for not being able to be here, however he was here the whole of last night, so I couldn't be mad at him even if I tried.

Liam had told me he spoke with his adoptive parents and that they welcome Rose and I as a part of their family too. They were very much understanding and rather excited to get to know Rose and I a bit better. That made me smile. Liam promised to catch up with me at school and get to know his twin sister a bit better. Twin. I loved it.

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