Chapter 11

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*A picture of Brody King above*

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Making my way to my favourite class, Art. I couldn't help but wonder why Mary was acting so weird around the whole ship name for Zack and I. Even though we all know nothing would come from it. There's definitely something she's hiding and I intend to find out.

"Hi." Noah, my newly made friend, greeted me as I sat down next to him. He has short brown hair and glasses covering his brown eyes. He's quite cute.

"Hey. How was your weekend?" I asked as I took my art book out of my bag.

"Boring. It mostly consisted of video games and television, but I did however visit my grandma which made up for it." I smiled at that. Such a sweet guy. "How about you?"

"Well, I went out with the girls on Saturday, which was awesome. I didn't do much yesterday, just catched up on a load of homework." I shrugged at that.

Noah was about to say something but decided against it when our Art teacher, Mrs. Walker walked in the room.

"Alright settle down now." She was probably in her late forties with her blonde hair up in neat bun and her bangs covering her forehead.

"So today we'll be discussi-" She was interupted by a knock on the door.
"Come in." She called out.

The door knob twisted and...

"Woah." Would be the ideal word to describe how my emotions was exploding right now. Shock, awe, envy and a whole lot of other emotions. All this just from one glance at a guy I don't even know. I'm nuts. I'm completely losing the plot.

Why? You may ask. Well that's because I have never seen anyone look as badass as this guy does right now. He's downright handsome.


I literally face-palmed myself and when I looked beside me, Noah just stared at me like I'm crazy. I wanted to tell him "if you could read my thoughts right now, you'd definitely think that I am." But decided against it.

What the hell has gotten into me these days?

"Oh you must be the new student. Introduce yourself." Mrs. Walker suggested.

"The names Brody King." He said in such a deep voice that made me melt right there and then.

"You may take a seat." She gestured towards the back where there were two open seats.

He strolled to the back of the classroom with his his tight, white sweater showing his lovely biceps and his black skinny jeans. I love his watch too - he looks so hot. Wow really Lily? Ugh I'm such a girl. He then took a seat next to a girl who looked to be sweating rather badly and her face flushed. I couldn't help the small laugh that escaped from my mouth.

I immediately put a hand over my mouth and turned to the front.

I can't believe I laughed out so loud.

Oh god help me.

"Miss Gomez. Would you kindly share the joke with the rest of the class?" Mrs. Walker asked, raising an eyebrow. I probably looked just as red as the girl at the back.

I surveyed the class and found that the attention was now on me.

I face-palmed myself once again. Literally, which made me look even more crazy at this moment.

Way to go Lily. I mentally scolded myself for not being able to control myself.

"Oh dear, why did you do that now?" Mrs. Walker scolded me and everyone laughed. I turned to my left and found Noah laughing as well. I gave him an icy glare which made him stop in an instant, but I could see he was just trying to hold it in.

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