Chapter 15

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*A picture of Scott and Lily*

As Scott, Katie, Becca, Julie and I made our way in the police station, we saw Rob already inside, pacing back and forth.

When Rob finally looked up, a look of relief washed over his face.

"Babe." He ran towards Julie and immediately engulfed her in a hug. "Are you hurt? Are you okay?" He cupped her face in his hands searching for any bruises.

"I'm fine. Was just hangry is all." She shrugged while he laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Of course you were just hangry." He chuckled and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

I was probably swooning at this point. That's relationship goals right there.

"Enough PDA for one day. Is Mandy here already?" Becca asked as we all looked around and if on cue, Mandy came bursting through the door with .... Zack? What is he doing here.

"There she is and her little friends too." Mandy pointed at us looking at Zack expectantly.

Studying Mandy and Zack's facial features. You could see the striking resemblance.

"Who of you hurt my sister?" Zack spoke in a low tone whilst walking over to us.

"That would be me." Julie stated boringly.

"Zee you have to press charges against her. She's a disgrace to any girl on this earth. She needs to be locked up and the key should be buri-"

"Enough!" Rob shouted at Mandy as he turned his attention to Zack. "I'm sure there's a better way to settle this out man. I'll pay for the damages."

"Rob no." Julie hissed beside him, she turned to look at both Zack and Mandy. "If you wanna press charges, then do so but do so now. Stop wasting my time."

"Talk about badass." Scott whispered to me.

"It's fine we won't press charges but don't let this happen again." Zack said to Julie.

"I can't prom-" Julie tried say but Rob interrupted her.

"Phew! Thanks man. Really appreciate it." Rob and Zack did the whole bro handshake thing signalling that they were cool.

"What?! That's it. She got me fired and punched me." Mandy pointed to her left eye. "Your little sister and you let her go away scott free?" She asked in disbelief.

"Mandy not now. We'll talk at home. Wait for me in the car." Zack spoke ordered as she huffed and made her way out of the police station

Zack looked at me, then my shoulder and held a look of disappointment.

I was confused at first but then realised Scott's arm was around my shoulders.

He must've thought that Scott and I were together. The thought itself made me cringe.

"Uhm, I know my sister can be really dramatic at times, so I'm sorry if she provoked you." He said to Julie.

"It's okay." Julie gave him a small smile which he returned.

"I'll see you guys then." He said with a small nod and sent a smile my way as he tugged the strands of his hair while walking away.

We all nodded in response.

"Babe we need to talk." Rob gave Julie a serious look.

"Don't we always?" Julie sent him a playful smile.

"Please." He begged her.

"Fine." She sighed in defeat.

Julie and Rob made their way outside of the police station, hand in hand.

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