Chapter 23

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Lily's POV

"You were awesome last night!"

"Where did you learn to dance like that?"

"You slayed!"

"Omg you need to teach me!"

These were but a few of the messages that I had received this morning. My inbox was flooded with messages and to say I was shocked, would be a total understatement.

It was only 9:45 on this Saturday morning. The day after Dustin's party. This week flew by pretty quickly since Mary came back. Time seemed to pass by in a blur when you have a vibrant squad like ours.

I had a full blown headache. It felt as if someone was continously hitting my head with their fist.

Ugh. I shouldn't have drank as much as I did. Big mistake, especially since I had a date with Brody today.

Okay, so many of you might be confused as to why I had received those messages, but I'll take you back to last night for more clarity. The night of Dustin Stewart's party.


The night of Dustin Stewart's party.

It was okay to feel a bit nervous, because hello, it was indeed my first teen party.

Walking through the mansion of a house, that Dustin resides in, I was appalled by how many students from our school were here. Dustin must be really popular.

The atmosphere was thick with energy and the strong smell of alcohol could never be missed. Wherever my gaze landed, was either on a couple
grinding against each other to the rock hard music, others making out, while many others danced on the beautifully furnished couches. Some were even seen passed out laying on the floor, clearly having had too much to drink.


I felt a little apprehensive, but I knew I wouldn't be drinking tonight, so I'll be in a good state of mind. Besides, I have a date with Brody tomorrow. Me drinking tonight, for the first time, wouldn't be such a good idea.

"Lily! Let's go!" Becca shouted over the blasting music. Myself and the rest of the squad, squeezed our way through the sweaty teens and made our way through a long hallway, before Becca entered a room, the rest of us following suit. There was surprisingly no one, although you could still hear the music clearly, vibrating from the walls. The room was quite big with a variety of snacks and drinks on the table against the wall

"Why are we here?" I asked, clearly confused, since the party was in full swing a couple of rooms away.

"Well Lily, we have our own party at parties." Julie laughed as she grabbed herself a beer off the table and leaned against the wall. "The guys should be hear any minute." She took a sip of her beer. "Nasty shit." She scrunched up her face in disgust.

I let out a laugh. "I'm pretty sure it wasn't suppose to taste like strawberries now hey." She just flicked me off and took another sip of her beer. I grabbed the bowl of chips from the table and started stuffing my mouth full of it.

"Boys!" Becca exclaimed as Dustin, Zack, Rob and Brody walked in. "Time to get this party started!" She yelled and everybody laughed.

I immediately stopped chewing when Brody's eyes landed on my own. Those eyes.

He was about to close the door when Liam, Mikayla and her two friends, Courtney and Chloe walked in.

I saw Becca's face falter into a bit of a frown when she saw Mikayla. I wonder what's the deal with Mikayla and Liam anyway.

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