Chapter 25

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Happy. A word that embodies joy and content. An emotion that exudes life, allowing you to live and feel somewhat free. I felt genuinely happy and that's a beautiful thing.

Happy being one of the most constant feeling in this last month. Especially now since I had the most amazing boyfriend.

Gosh. Boyfriend sounded so foreign coming from my tongue, but made me happy all the same.

It has been exactly a week since Brody and I made it 'official'. I've been on cloud 9 ever since.

I was in the backseat of the car Hank was driving, with Hazel in the passenger seat, on our way to aunt Jessica's house.

Yep. Today was the big day. The day we get to reveal that Rose and I are sisters.

I'm still stunned and so immensely grateful that she's apart of my life and vice versa.

Scott still doesn't know about anything and that's why I invited him to meet us at their house as well. I wanted to tell him immediately but decided against it because I didn't think it'd be appropriate to tell him over the phone. He has been the only family that I've had for the past eight years and that fact will always remain. He's my brother for life.

Arriving at aunt Jessica's house, we were welcomed by her and Rose.

"Hey Lil. Great to see you. Missed you." Rose hugged me and I smiled.

"Missed you too." I cooed. "Where's Ruby?"

"She had to do an arrend of some sorts. She'll be back soon."

I followed Rose up to her bedroom that was shared between her and Ruby.

The room had two beds on either side of the fairly large room. One for Rose and the other for Ruby.

Numerous pictures of Ruby and Rose decorated the white walls.

The sight made me smile because although I never got to be the one to experience all those precious moments with Rose, I was appreciative that she led a somewhat normal life

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The sight made me smile because although I never got to be the one to experience all those precious moments with Rose, I was appreciative that she led a somewhat normal life.

Another bonus was that Ruby was totally amazing and truly an awesome person, who is my newly found sister too.

Rose and I talked for a while before the doorbell rang.

We both made our way downstairs and I was a bit surprised to see Liam Rhodes standing in the doorway with a bag of pizza boxes inside.

"Oh my. What happened to you darling?" Aunt Jessica asked in concern to Liam. I hadn't noticed that he had trouble standing on his left leg and his arm had a few cuts on it, his face contorting in a bit of pain.

"Er, no. It's nothing. I just fell off from my motorcycle, but I'm good I promise. Here's the pizza you ordered Mam." He held out the pizza as Aunt Jessica shook her head.

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