Chapter 22

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*A picture of Mary and the outfit she's wearing*


Mary's POV

Is it just me or does the smell of fresh air just drug your mind with a new sense of beginning?

That's exactly how I'm feeling right now. Like today is a start of something new. No negative vibes, only good.

I was wearing my favourite grey sweater tucked in my skinny black high waisted jeans and paired it with my boot heels. I felt fabulous.

I also got my long locks chopped shoulder length and I'm digging the new hairstyle.

Change feels good.

Stop running away from your problems. Live your life correct and do what you truly feel is right. You're in control of your life. Nobody else but you.

My grandma's wise words replayed in my head and I just couldn't help the huge grin that had formed on my face as I came into view of RHS.

You can do this Mary.

Once I had stepped foot inside the school building, I knew there was no turning back.

I spotted all the girls at the staircase and my huge grin turned into a full blown smile. I missed them so much. All of them.

I can't help but feel guilty for having been so cold towards Lily lately. She has been an amazing friend, but I can't say the same for me. I was selfish and I hate myself for it.

Starting from today, I will take everything in stride and like I said, no negative vibes, only good.

I was a few feet away from the squad when Becca spotted me, immediately squeeling and ran across the small distance so that she could attack me in a hug.

"Oh my god Mary, I missed you!" She screamed, not caring in the slightest bit at the amount of attention she's drawn, and launched herself on me.

I chuckled. "I missed you too boo." I said as I hugged her back.

When Becca finally let go of me, I was able to hug my three other friends.

"I'm so glad you're back." Katie mumbled when she broke our hug.

"Me too." I smiled.

"Come here you bitch." Julie laughed as she too hugged me.

"It's good to have you back." Lily said with a warm smile as she gave me a quick hug. My heart swelled at the love these four girls have for me.

"Looking good girl." Julie whistled as she eyed me from top to bottom. "And is it just me, or have you become more calm and oh lord help me, matured ?" She scoffed in mocking disbelief.

We all laughed. "Whatever." I dismissed playfully.

"Well you look great. I especially love the new haircut." Lily said in awe as she touched my hair.

I laughed. "Okay girls enough. I've missed you all and I'm sure to catch up on all the gossip, right Becca?"

Becca looked shock. "You make me sound so bad." She placed her right hand over her heart in mocking disbelief, but quickly removed it when she spoke again. "But there is so much that I have to tell you!" Her hands were all over the place as she spoke with excitement.

"Liam being one of them huh?" Katie teased, arching her perfectly shaped eyebrow.

"Haha. How about we start with you and Scott hmmm." Becca challenged and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Who's Scott?" By the way Katie's face reddened, I can only guess it's someone she likes.

"He's my best friend." Lily answered. "The girls met him on Saturday."

I nodded slowly in understanding. I remembered Lily mentioning to meet with Scott but I completely forgot about that.

"Nice one Katie." I teased as her blush deepened.

We all laughed as the bell rang signalling first period. We said our goodbyes as Becca promised to fill me in on more of the gossip later at lunch.

Shutting the locker after grabbing my textbook, I nearly had a heart attack when Zack stood beside it.

My textbook dropped in the process. "Shit Zack. Don't creep up on me like that." I said with a small chuckle, picking up the fallen textbook.

He looked nervous to talk to me, probably cause he knew he broke my heart into little shards of broken glass.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. How are you doing?"

How are you doing?

Taking a deep breath and trying to be civil, I answered him. Hopefully he'll go away.

Thing is, I have always looked for support from other people, never being able to stay strong for myself. I was hoping to come back and just be me.

I want to be a better person. I want  people to love me for me, and if they can't, It's something I have to accept and move on from.

You see, I've always been afraid of people not liking me. When they didn't? I tried everything in my power to make them. However, that never worked out and I only have myself to blame for that.

I love Zack. I will always love him, but he does not reciprocate my feelings.

It was difficult to accept at first, but after spending so much time with my grandma and her giving me the advice I so desperately needed , I was able to find myself again, and I couldn't be more at peace.

"I'm good thanks. I'm sorry I need to get to class. I'll see you around." And with one last smile his way, I turned around and headed to class, mentally high-fiving myself for not giving in to him.

He was my first love, my first kiss, literally my first at everything. I've never been involved with any other guy but him.

My heart still stung from his recent rejection but I forgave him.

Stop running away from your problems. Live your life correct and do what you truly feel is right. You're in control of your life. Nobody else but you.

While at my grandma I found out some life altering news that for sure influenced and shall influence many more of my decisions.

I'm still confused and unsure of what to do with this news, but right now I'm doing what I feel is right for me and my little bundle.

That's right. I am pregnant, and Zack Rider is the father.

I'm strongly debating on telling him because I don't want that to influence his decision to be with me or not. I've already accepted the fact that he doesn't, and knowing Zack, he would most probably just stay with me out of obligation and  that's the last thing I wanted - forced love.

I know I'll have to tell the girls soon, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there, I just need some time. For now though, I just need to get through this day.

I can do this.


Is my jaw the only one that dropped right now.

Mary is pregnant!!!

She's been through so much, so please sympathise with her.

I hope you all enjoyed it .



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