Chapter 1

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**A picture of Lily Gomez above**


Waking up to the annoying sound of my alarm, I head to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Thank God It's Friday.

After a nice awakening shower, I made my way to my walk-in-closet and just to make sure, pinched myself to check that I was not in fact dreaming.

There were so many clothes, not to mention shoes and accessories.

Scanning the clothes I settled for a pair of light blue ripped skinny jeans, with a black tank top and paired it with black ankle boots.

I left my natural brown hair to cascade down my waist in light waves.

Holding onto the necklace that had a locket attached to it, shaped in a heart, I felt a sense of emptiness and before I knew it, I was shedding a few tears.

Pulling myself together I looked into the mirror and wiped off any excess tears before putting on some mascara and cherry lip gloss. I'm ready for my first day of school.

I strolled downstairs to the kitchen where Hazel was busy preparing breakfast, while Hank read the daily newspaper.

They're my foster parents.

This was actually my first night spent at their house.

Such amazing people decided to adopt me, a seventeen year old. You don't hear about that very often I know.

My heart shattered into a million pieces about eight years ago, when I personally witnessed my family being murdered right before my eyes. My loving parents, twin brother Liam and my little sister Rose. The only people I've ever longed to see again, but knew that it would never be possible.

It was a real difficult time in my life. A day and time I will never forget.

This sight made me miss my parents a whole lot more and I knew I was being selfish by even thinking it, but I really wish it were my parents in the kitchen, not Hazel and Hank.

"Morning Hazel. Morning Hank." I greeted them with a smile as I entered the kitchen.

"Morning honey." Hazel smiled warmly at me.

"Morning Lily!" Hank cheerfully replied behind the newspaper.

"So are you ready for your first day?" Hazel asked as she gestured for me to sit by the table and handed me a plate filled with sausages and scrambled eggs, with toast. I saw a few mouth watering pancakes in the middle of the table, desperately waiting to be devoured.

"I think so.-" I answered Hazel, swallowing a piece of food before continuing "-I mean if I'm able to make friends it'd be awesome" I tried to be as convincing as possible, but I really just wanted to lay low and get through senior year without any friends, because I felt like it would just make things complicated, and I really didn't need any complications in my life right now.

It's so ironic because school is just another complication.

"I'm sure you'll make friends sweety, you're such a beautiful young girl, I'm pretty sure they'd jump at the opportunity. I mean if they don't, they really would be missing out on a great friend." Hazel's kind words made me smile.

"And if anyone messes with you, be sure to tell me or Hazel immediately okay Lily?" Hank said it so meaningfully I just couldn't help but smile appreciatively.

"Thanks Hank and Hazel, for everything, it... means a lot." I smiled to the both of them with gratitude.

"Aaaaah Lily. No need to thank us. It's only a pleasure." Hank said, surprising me a little, but I smiled nonetheless.

"Okay let me drop you off at
school then." He said as he folded the newspaper on the table.

I said my goodbyes to Hazel and met Hank by the car.

Arriving at Rock High Secondary, I was pretty nervous, but shook off any negative thoughts I had.

I made my way through the busy hallway where I caught a lot of attention but nevertheless, I kept my head down and made my way to homeroom. Hank was kind enough to ask for my schedule a week before I came here, I couldn't be more thankful.

Rushing pass the curious glances, I tried searching for Room 231.

Scanning the hallway I see Room 227...Room228... Room229...


I just knocked my head into someone's hard chest, dropping my textbook and pen in the process.

Quickly bending down to pick my textbook up from the floor, the person bent down to pick up my fallen pen. When we both got up, I kept my head down and I couldn't stop myself from apologising profusely.

"I'm so sorry... please forgive me....I'm sorry. Its my fault. I'm sorry."

I tried rushing past this guy not even trying to spare a glance at him.

He surprised me when he grabbed a hold of my wrist and I froze, slowly turning around and meeting his gaze.

I tried speaking but nothing came out, it was as if I'd had gone completely mute, until he spoke.

"Hey it's okay. It's not your fault anyway. I wasn't watching where I was walking." He let go of my wrist before continuing. "You're the new girl right? My name is Zack. Zack Rider and you are?"

"Lily, Lily Gomez... I uhm... I... need to get to class." I rushed out with a nervous smile before heading to Room 231.

"Wait!" He called from behind me and I turned around confused.
"Yeah?" I asked.

"Your pen." Feeling incredibly stupid and embarrassed, he handed me the said pen, our hands brushing lightly.

"What room are you headed to?" He asked.

"Room 231" I answered, secretly hoping he wouldn't be in the same class as I was. I know I sounded stupid for even thinking that, but I really didn't want to be attracting any attention whatsoever. And I'm smart enough to know that this attractive guy was most probably popular and I didn't want to take any chances.

"Oh." he sounded a bit disappointed but covered up quickly with a smile and added "I'm not in that class but I'll walk you to yours if that's okay?" He sounded so hopeful that I just couldn't stop myself and nodded in agreement, smiling at him.

"You have a beautiful smile". He said to my surprise.

"Thanks." I said shyly.

"So where are you from originally?" He inquired.

"From Cape Town-"

I lived in a beatiful city in South Africa. We were on holiday here in America and this is where the horrible fate of my family being murdered happened.

I had no family or close relatives back in South Africa to look after me, so they put me in "The Orphanage". I mentally scoffed when I heard that that was the name of the orphanage.

So original.

"-I was moved here because my parents just got a new job." I lied smoothly.

"Wow I've never been to Cape Town before, but I've heard of their stunning beaches by my dad who constantly goes on business trips in South Africa. He says it's beautiful there, much different to here in Florida." We stopped in front of my class.

"Yeah it's pretty beautiful. "

We stopped in front of my class.

"I'll see you later then?" He asked while scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure."

A hot guy walking me to class.

Well that was unexpected.




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