chapter one

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My fingers trailed across the different fabrics in my wardrobe, landing on some high waisted jeans. Without hesitation, I pulled them out and threw them towards my bed, before continuing to search for a hoodie.

My name is Adylin Ross, I'm 17 years old, and I live in Houston, Texas. I started YouTube a couple years ago, and I now have over three million subscribers which is absolutely insane. I don't have many friends here, but I have my bestfriend. Blake Gray. We grew up together and we're both considered quite big on social media. Of course I have other amazing friends, people who I've met through YouTube and over the internet, but making friends here in Texas was never easy.

I finished choosing my outfit, quickly slipping it on and brushing my hair. I decided I'd put it up in a bun, but leave it looking really natural.
Today I'm going out with Blake, we're going to a cafe and just hanging out like bestfriends do. When I say that there is nothing else between us, I mean it. Our supporters know that too.
Once I'd applied my daily makeup and was fully ready, I grabbed my car keys and drove towards his house to pick him up.

I beeped the car horn, as a happy looking Blake emerged from his house. He had the largest smile on his face, and that made me chuckle.
" What're you so happy about? " I asked with a laugh, as he turned his head to me and gave me a funny look.
" am I not aloud to smile anymore, Lin? " He smirked.
I rolled my eyes, turning up the music in the car and singing loudly. I love to sing, in fact that's how I blew up. My first ever video was a cover of Let it go by James Bay, and within days it had racked up millions of views. It was crazy, and I was really surprised.

After our short car journey of screaming the lyrics to our favourite songs, I parked my car and we headed towards our favourite spot. This cafe is our all time favourite, and we go very regularly together.
" Hi Blake, hi Adylin! The regular? " Megan asked, with a grin across her face.
Megan works here, and she knows us really well. So much that we don't even have to order, she knows what we want, and that's the regular ;)
" Hi! Yes please " I nodded, sitting down at a table outside along with Blake.
We began tapping on our phones, talking while doing so. We weren't being unsociable, but I had to reply to a few emails about this event I'm meant to be going to in a few months. I think it's being held in California, and I'm really excited about that.
Megan soon arrived with our food, mine being the most delicious salad that I get almost every time.

" can you take a photo of me? " I asked Blake, as he playfully rolled his eyes before taking my phone out of my hands.
I laughed, posing as he snapped a couple pictures. Blake takes mainly all of my photos, because why hire a photographer when you have a bestfriend to do it?
" I like this one! " I smiled, showing him the screen.
He nodded, as I posted it on Instagram and turned off my phone.


@adylinross: this cafe is honestly my favourite place 1,754,098 likes and 24,821 comments

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@adylinross: this cafe is honestly my favourite place
1,754,098 likes and 24,821 comments

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@adylinsbabe: you're so gorgeous ugh

@blakeandadylin: I'm guessing Blake took this photo again?😂💗

@adylinaf: Bless Julia Ross for bringing this beauty into the world😇😍

@blakegray: that man in the back is loving it too

@cutiepielin: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH

@loren: how are you so gorgeous?!?😍

@adylinross: I miss you @loren

@adylingoals: ^ friendship goals I miss you guys being together too!!😞

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Blake and I were now at his house watching movies, and I was stuffed from all of the food we'd ate at the cafe. It around 7:30, and I don't even know how I was so tired. I was about to fall asleep until I remembered something, mentally slapping myself in the face out of annoyance.
" I need to film a YouTube video " I said, jumping up and walking towards his bedroom door.
" aw, I thought you were spending the night! " he sighed, standing up beside me with a frown on his face.
I sleepover at Blake's all the time, and he does at mine too. Nothing romantic though, trust me. I'm single, and I have been for the longest time. I'm not really complaining though...
" You can come to mine tomorrow Blake, I just really need to film and go to sleep, I'm shattered " I yawned, and he nodded.
" don't film tonight, do it tomorrow morning... get some rest instead, okay? " he smiled.
He's so caring, I don't even know what I did to deserve such a great bestfriend in my life.
" Okay, thanks Blake " I smiled, giving him a quick hug before leaving his house.
He lives just down the road from me, so the walk is only a couple minutes which is good.

As soon as I arrived home I went straight up to my room. I removed my makeup as best as I could, as well as slipping on a large and comfy t shirt to sleep in. Even though it was only 8pm at this point, my head hit the pillow and sleep took over me.

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