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Finally the oven beeped causing both little boys to squeal in delight. They were very ready to eat. "Now boys, you'll have to wait for the chicken to cook down before you ca-" "AHHH FOOK" just as Luke was warning the boys about the hot nuggets, Ashton took a bite of one and burnt his tongue. Luke let out a frustrated "ASH" and Calum let out a worried "DADDY" whilst Michael sat and giggled quietly. "Michael" Luke scolded lightly even though he also wanted to laugh at Ashton's idiocy. "Those are some hot nuggets boys" Ashton said pointing to the tray. Luke rolled his eyes. "Sit down Ash. I'll handle this" Ashton sat down mimicking Luke's words in a high pitched pitched voice causing Calum and Michael to laugh. Luke hit Ashton on the shoulder and turned back around. Once Luke was completely turned around Ashton stuck his tongue out at him making the little boys to giggle. Luke turned around and stuck his tongue out at all of them. He served the chicken nuggets equally on four plates. Two Pokémon plates and two plain plates. The Pokémon plates went to the littles and the plain plates went to the caregivers. Luke made sure he didn't forget to make a smiley face with all of the nuggets for Michael and Calum. He gave Calum and Ashton some ketchup whilst him and Michael used buffalo ranch. Finally they got to eat. After eating Luke and Ashton tidied up the kitchen and went to the living room to watch TV with their littles. Ashton had a clinch that you could pull out into a bed so they pulled out the bed and grabbed a couple blankets and pillows. They turned on the TV and lucky for them, there was a marathon of Spongebob Squarepants episodes. One by one each of them fell asleep. Luke was holding Michael who was holding Daniel. Ashton was holding Calum who was holding Ketchup.
Hello internet,
I've taken down my tag Chapters and I'm going to make a book for tags instead. The contest for the cover is still going!! Entries are very appreciated. Unless the lack of entries means you guys don't want the cover changed 😂. Which is kewl jus lemme know. Okay now I must shoutout my Phil karmaxpolice bc profile pics are poppin. What a babe. That's all for now.
Dubai ppl🤙🏽💕

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