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I know you guys aren't here to read my rants, you're here to read my book. But I feel like if you guys can tell me anything I can tell you guys anything. So here it goes.
Every night, I hear my parents open my sister's door to check on her before bed but they never check on me. When I still shared a room with my sister my mom would come in at night, she thought we were both asleep but I was always awake ,and she would give my sister a kiss on the forehead but not me. It's honestly heart breaking. It makes me feel so unwanted. I really wanna just cry and let it out but my body won't let me cry. I don't know why. I don't know how to get rid of the feeling. That's why I go on here. I can write cute things that make me happier then those moments when I hear my parents' door lock but they haven't came into my room to check on me. What if one day I wasn't in my room they wouldn't even know. What if I was doing something I promised myself I would never do. But I know that there are people here who might actually care. I can rely more on people I've met in the internet just a few months ago than people I've known for years. I can trust you enough to say yes I am suicidal. No that doesn't mean I harm my body because I promise myself everyday that I won't. No I might not say every reason why I'm depressed. But atleast I know you might care. I know people have worse situations than me. But we all have a unique way of suffering. My heart aches for the day that I can feel actual love. The day I can hug someone and not feel like it was forced. The day I can finally say I don't feel unwanted. I'm sorry to everyone who read because I know you just want to read about baby Mikey. I promise I'll update this week. To those who read this and can relate, dont be afraid to talk to me. I love you ALL.
Dubai ppl🤙🏽💕

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