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When Luke woke up from his nap Michael was still asleep so Luke asked his mum how long Michael should be asleep for. Liz told him he'll wake up on his own whenever. Luke shrugged and went back upstairs. When he went upstairs he also took a wee seeing as Michael was asleep. Then Luke entered Michael's bed room to see a pouting Michael sitting cross-legged on the bed. "Why ou weave" he said out stretching his arms so Luke could come and hug him. "I'm sorry baby I went to go ask my mum something and went to the bathroom" Luke said embracing Michael into a hug. Michael nodded his head then let go of Luke and lied back down. "What are you doing Mikey" Luke questioned chuckling at the small boy. "Go back to sweep" he mumbled turning his into the pillow. Luke quietly laughed to himself shaking his head "come on Mikey, Ben and Jack are coming over for lunch." Luke persuaded Michael causing him to jump up out of bed. "Jacky and Ben Come.?" Mikey questioned excitedly. Luke nodded his head ,"Yes but you need to get up or else you're not going to see them when they get here" Mikey nodded his head and suddenly he felt that his nappy was wet. He knew for sure he couldn't tell Luke obviously they just met and Luke wouldn't want to change Mikey's wet nappy. "W-wukey ou get izzy pwease" he said blushing. "Why baby? What's wrong?" Michael didn't think before responding and just blurted out "me has wet nappy" even though he didn't want Luke to know. Luke frowned "you don't want me to change you?" He questions furrowing his eyebrows. "No, no not dat I jus no no if ou wanna change me so den I get izzy" Mikey said holding onto Luke's hand trying to make him less upset even though in Reality Luke was not really upset. "Why wouldn't I wanna change you Mikey ?" Luke questioned holding Mikey's other hand. Michael shrugged "no kno" Luke chuckled a little causing Michael to smile and giggle a little. "I'll change you babe" Luke said picking up Michael and laying him on the changing table. The changing table felt weird on Mikey's back so he started to squirm but then it tickled his back so he continued to do it to make himself laugh. To Luke it just looked like the boy was trying to scratch his back on the table which was kinda funny. "What are you doing silly boy" Luke asked chuckling at the little boy. "Tickle dada" Michael said not even noticing that he called Luke 'dada'. Luke just shook his head still slightly laughing whilst he pulled out a nappy also not noticing the 'dada' that had come out of Michael's mouth. Luke remembered what his mum had told him about nappy changes for Michael. So he began a conversation. "So Mikey are you excited Jack and Ben are coming?" Luke asked as he unbuttoned Michael's onesie Michael nodded excitedly. "Mhmm awe ou 'cited" Luke nodded "yes I haven't seen them in loooong time" Luke said exaggerating the word long making Mikey giggle. "Me too" Mikey said. The diaper change was the easiest and probably the fastest for Luke. "Dummy pwease?" Mikey asked after Luke had put him down. Luke nodded and handed him the Charmander dummy and picking him up. "We have about an hour until Jack and Ben get here and you need a bath sir" Luke said setting Mikey on the stool in the bathroom. Luke went went out to grab Mikey another nappy it would've been smart to change his nappy after the bath Luke thought to himself but just shrugged it off, he also grabbed Mikey A onesie, a pair of pastel blue leggings, and a pastel purple knit sweater. Luke headed back to the bathroom and asked Mikey "do you want me or my mum to take you a bath?" Mikey thought about it for a second before pointing to Luke. Luke smiled and started the bath water.
Hello internet,
How are you all?
Jack is hot
I updated again this week don't you all love me?
Tomorrow I have this quiz bowl competition thing and it's for nerds like me :) wish me luck
Have a good day
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Dubaii ppl🤙🏽

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