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Once Luke and Michael had packed their things, they headed out to Ashton and Calum's.
~Meanwhile at the Irwin Household~
Ashton and Calum were making the beds in which Luke and Michael were going to sleep in when Calum fell on to floor. Usually he would laugh it off but he scraped his knee in the nightstand beside the bed and fell on his bum. "Daaaddyyyyy" he cried out practically screaming at the top of his lungs. Ashton rushed into Calum's side of the room and picked him up rushing him into the bathroom to clean up the nasty cut on his knee whilst whispering sweet calming things in his ear. Calum calmed down fairly quickly to a sniffling and Ashton set him on the counter then pulled out the first aid kit. He kissed Calum's forehead and said "Calm down baby" Cal nodded and took a few deep breaths. It really didn't hurt that much, he just got scared. Ashton held his hand as he began to spray Calum's knee so it wouldn't get infected. Calum squeezed Ashton's hand and shut his eyes. Ashton put a band aid on Calum's knee and kissed it. "S'alright now Cal. Your boo boo won't hurt anymore." Ashton hugged his baby petting his hair. "Get scawed dada" Calum said sniffling. "I know baby, it's okay. If you want I'll tell Luke not to bri-" Ashton was cut off by a doorbell followed by a loud squeal. "MIKEY" Calum pointed to the door. "Go dada pwease" Ashton chuckled at the Calum's sudden change in mood. Ashton went downstairs to go open the door for Luke and Michael. "MIKEY" "CALLY, oh no ou has boo boo" Calum shrugged "hi wukey" Calum waved to Luke smiling "hey Cal" Luke said ruffling his hair. "Hi Ashy!" Mikey said hugging Ashton's leg. "Hi Mikey" he said giggling. "C'mon Mikey wet's go n pway." Calum said. "YAY PWAY". Mikey screamed detaching from Ash and going up the steps with Calum. The two caregivers laughed and went to the living room. They turned on the       x-box and began to play video games. Michael and Calum were playing with legos when they both looked up and said "has wet nappy" they giggled and went downstairs. "Daddy, has wet nappy" they both said making it sound like one voice then giggled when both caregivers said "Which one of you" all four laughed when both littles said "me". The littles ran up to their daddies and each was carried to another room for a nappy change. After the nappy changes, they'd realised it was already seven and they were quite hungry. "Daddy can we has chicky nuggs" Calum asked Ashton "hmm ask Mikey and Luke if they say yes then yes. Calum clapped then ran off to find Luke and Michael. "Wukey daddy say ask ou n Mikey if ou chicky nuggs o somefin else" "CHICKY NUGGS" Mikey yelled. "Michael don't yell" Luke said using his stern voice with Michael for the first time. "Sowwy" he said giggling. "Tell your daddy that's fine Cal" "Otay" Calum scurried off to the kitchen to tell Ashton to hurry and make the chicken.
Hello internet,
3K reads !! 
Thank you guys so much!1!
I'm thinking of publishing another book but idk. I have like 3 chapters for it and I have a lot of ideas for it but then I feel like I won't be able to keep up with both bc ADHD ya kno.
I guess you could say my writer hates the clock 😏 |-/
K bye much love
Dubai ppl🤙🏽💖

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