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Another long month at the Hemmings house for Michael as his parents were on yet another business trip. Sometimes it felt like his parents avoided him but he always understood that they worked to give him the best. Right? They loved him . Right? Mikey shook the thoughts out of his head. He didn't want to deal with the struggles of big Mikey. He saw his paci and went running for it instantly slipping back into his headspace. 'Lizzy' he called out getting the attention of the woman who cared for him and showed him more love than his own mother. "Hi Mikey" she said smiling fondly at the boy. "Lizzy me go potty" he said slightly blushing and looking down. The blonde woman nodded. She set Mikey on the changing table and he immediately started squirming around . Liz knew Michael's game all too well . He never wanted to have a wet diaper but he always got shy as soon as Liz started changing him and never let Liz change him without a fight. So Liz's strategy is to talk to Michael about something while she changing him and he wouldn't even pay attention to the diaper change occurring . "Lizzy tomorrow we go church?" Going to church was one of Michael's favourite things . It was the only thing he normally came out of headspace for although his parents never really took him . It was always the Hemmings' family that took him . Michael had even learned to be an alter server . Which he loved very much ."Yes Mikey we are and guess what" "wot?" He asked as Liz taped up his diaper and started putting the pikachu onesie of
the small boy . "I have a son named Luke and you know what?" "Wot wot tell me Lizzy" the woman chuckled at the small boy's enthusiasm but still had a sad mood laced in her chuckle. She had remembered the true point of this conversation and she sighed . She sat the boy on his bed. "Mikey I really need you to be big for me just for a little while" "otays" the boy squeezed his eyes in concentration. "What is it Liz ?" He asked kind of worriedly seeing the pained expression on the poor woman's face. "It's your parents Michael, they got jobs in the United States and they're not coming back" Michael felt his eyes get misty as he nodded at the woman and as soon as she saw this she engulfed the boy in a hug. "I'm so so so so so sorry Michael" "they're not gonna come for me?" Michael questioned . The woman shook her head . Michael suddenly got a feeling of anger towards the people he used to call parents . Now they are just Daryl and Karen. "You know what Liz it's alright you and Andrew have acted like better parents to me than they ever could in a million years" the boy said now making the woman tear up. But it was true . For as long as Michael could remember he was always left at the hemmings house for up to years at a time. Even now that Michael was over the age of 21 he still came tom the Hemmings house because he felt comfort in Liz and Andrew. "Thank you Michael" she said letting out a somewhat relieved sigh . "So this where my son , Luke , comes in she started.
Hello internet ,
First of all I would like to give credit to some very wonderful writers who made me even want to write this book so here we gooo.
BrokenSceneClifford littleCallie littlemikeybigheart flathairedcalum -lovelylashton- wastethemalum
These people have gr8 books abt 5sos age play and they made me want to even write my own so here it is.
Dubai ppl
Maria Xx

Baby // Muke Ageplay/DDLBWhere stories live. Discover now