Chapter 22

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Most of the guys have gone to bed now, so it's time for Cece and I to use our ninja skills to set up the first prank. We planned to hit every room. I'm getting Jc, Kian, and Ricky, while she gets Sam and Trevor.

We sneak into every room, and take one of every shoe in the room. After each room we hit, we sneak back to our room and stash them in the empty suitcases under our bed. While we're doing this, Connor's in the living room putting confetti on top of the ceiling fan, and loading up pillows with the colored feathers.

Next, Cece and I head to the bathrooms. We put plastic wrap over every toilet but the one in our room, and coat the doorknobs in baby oil as we make our way around. Connor's in the kitchen making the fake puke, and we meet him there when we're done.

Then we glue the googley eyes to everything in the fridge. I mean EVERYTHING. From the milk, to ketchup, to every last egg, even Trevor's left over subway sandwich. Every yoghurt cup, and Arizona can. EVERYTHING HAS EYES. We also hid a gopro to catch everybody's reactions.

While we're in the kitchen, we also empty all the ice in the trays into a plastic bag, then put a mint in the bottom of every ice cube tray and make some minty cubes. Also, we reset all the kitchen clocks and tied a rubber band around the sink sprayer nozzle.

We move back to the living room and put electrical tape over the tv remote sensor, and we took everyone's laptops and phones. We fixed auto correct to change simple words into weird words or sentences. After we finished that, we put all the electronics back where we found them.

We also placed fake puke in random places; on Ricky's car, by the mailbox, in the middle of the kitchen, and by the pool. We also rigged random doors with cups full of water, confetti, feathers, and leftover googley eyes, so when people open certain doors, random things get spilt on them.

We have a few other tricks, but those are in the moment kind of pranks. We all head up to Connors room for a few hours before we need to stage the hot pancakes one. We just sit there and watch netflix until around 8 am.

Now it's time to make pancakes! We get out everything we need and start to make the batter. We separate enough to make one or two pancakes in another bowl and mix in the hot sauce. We cook all the pancakes leaving us with a bunch of regular ones, and two hot sauce ones. We fry up some bacon and get plates ready. Cece and I set the table and put milk and OJ with cups around for drinks.

Now that the food's set up, it's time to wake everyone up. Cece goes into Ricky's room and I go into Jc's. They're the two we decided not to wake up with pranks.

"DADDY! WAKE! UP!" I yell as I jump on his bed. He just groans and roles over.

"Come on! We made breakfast! Pancakes and bacon!" I say.

"Ok, I'm coming." He says.

"The food is on the table!" I yell as I run out.

I run to our room and meet Cece there. We pull out two small bowls we took earlier. We go into the bathroom and fill both with warm water. Then we head to Sam's room. We place the bowl next to him, and carefully rest his hand in it. Then we scurry away to Trevor's room. We do the same with him, and leave.

We run to Connor's room and grab the shaving cream we bought. We take a feather from the bag and sneak into Kian's room. I think you and I both know what happens next. We load up his hand with the shaving cream, (lucky for us he was in just the right position) and swipe the feather over his face. Seconds later, he has a face full of cream, and is chasing us around the house. Once he sees the pancakes though, he's stuffing his face.A second later, Trevor and Sam come in with pissed looking faces.

"What?" Cece and I say innocently.

"Shut up! You know what you did!" Sam says.

"And did it work?" I say with a smirk.

"Yes! I hate you!" Trevor squeals.

"CLASSIC!" I say and hi-five Cece.

The boys sit down to eat, and in a matter of seconds, Jc and Kian are both sweating. Looks like they got the hotcakes! Jc pours himself a glass of OJ and Kian is now screaming.

"WHAT IS IN THAT!?!? ITS BURNING MY MOUTH!!" He screams, he gets up and runs circles around the table. It's not affecting Jc as bad, he actually likes hot stuff. He's just sweating, gulping down some juice, and breathing a little heavier.

Kian snatches the milk jug off the table and drinks out of it. Jc calms down completely, and Kian is still sweaty.

"Ima get an Arizona." Trevor says and stands up. He walks over to the fridge and opens it.

"Ok, why does everything in the fridge have eyes?" He says.

Everyone gives him weird looks and he pulls out an egg, then the mayo jar, and lastly, and Arizona. Everyone laughs. Especially Cece, Connor and I. Trevor begins to walk over, when he steps in the fake puke. He looks down.

"EEEEWWWWWWW!!!" He shrieks. "Who threw up in the kitchen!?!?" At this point, Connor, Cece, and I are in hysterics.

"I'm gonna guess that you spent all night setting up pranks for us? And that's why I couldn't go to the mall with you last night?" Ricky asks. The three of us smirk and nod.

"Should we be scared?" Sam asks.

"Nah, you've already had the worst." I say.

"Pretty much." Connor says.

The boys relax a little, Ricky goes to the living room, and Sam goes to wash his plate. He turns on the sink and gets blasted in the stomach with water. We all laugh at him and he turns off the water, and goes upstairs to change his clothes. Meanwhile, you can hear Ricky swearing at the tv remote.I walk in to see him hitting it against his hand.

"Having trouble there Ricksters?" I smirk.

"The fucking remote doesn't work!" He yells.

"Here, try this." I walk over and peel the electrical tape off the sensor. I turn to him and smirk. "Classic." I say and walk back to the kitchen.

I see Kian staring at his phone with wide eyes.

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