Chapter 21 ♥3♥

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sorry for the typo.. :)))))))))))))


Ann’s POV:


Headache woke me up.

I feel like I’m floating in the thin air and gasping for some oxygen..

Wait—why am I feeling uncomfortable?

Narrator’s POV:

Ann is very uneasy.

She peeped at he clothes and realized that she’s wearing the same clothes from yesterday, plus the room smells different..

Ann: (smells her shirt) yuck! Why do I smell so bad?!

Still not on her right mind, she got up and swayed her way to her bathroom..

Ann: what’s happening to me? My head really hurts! Did I bump it into something? Sheesh! Why am I talking to myself anyway?! (Touches her head) oww… my head aches more than my heart..

she had a half-bath, brushed her teeth and lazily went to her closet to change her clothes..

After changing her clothes, she smelled something queer on her shirt—ALCOHOL!

Right at that very moment, flashbacks began to flicker in her mind..

Ann’s POV:

OMO!!! Did that really happened?! that wasn’t a dream—was it?!

OMO! OMO! DIE ANN! PLEASE DIE! I can’t take the embarrassment I caused to myself! Why did I go that far?!

Talking to the lamppost—and worse—BARGING INTO SAM’S HOUSE! How can I face him?! How can I face james?!

My head hurts more!!!

Narrator’s POV:

While ann is under pressure, she heard the doorknob click..

“that must me james!!!” she thought

She immediately slammed the door of her closet, jumped on her bed and buried herself in her violet-splashed blanket..

She closed her eyes tightly and bit her lower lip..

“ ann, are you still sleeping?”

She closed her eyes tighter..

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