Chapter 17 ^__^ v

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ANn's POV:

i don't want him to have silly hopes--i don't love him anymore...

all of us were eating silently on the table..

ann: (faked a cough) uhm..i..i'm sorry about that incident sam..

sam: it's okay (smiles weakly)


i saw them staring at each other for minutes--ARGH! i can't take it anymore!


ANn's POV:

i'm really grateful to have sam by my side--he's really a agood friend..

James is a coward! well--why am i expecting him to admit that he's my fiancee?! i know that he'll never see me as his fiancee.. i'm so glad that sam saved me "phew!"

i was about to take a spoonful of ice cream when james grabbed me wrist and dragged me out in the cafeteria, purt me in his car then he drove like a drunk person..


we stopped at the lake near the park..

ann: what's your problem?

james: (breathing hard with angry eyes)

ann: why did you brought me here?! let's go back! we still have one period!

james: why..

ann: what?! (pissed-off) you know, i can't take this nonsense anymore! i'm going back! (attempting to open the door)

james: (stops ann)

ann: why are you doing this?!

james: why...

ann: why what?!

james: why are you making me feel this way..

ann: what did i do?

james: are ou tring to make me feel jealous?

ann: WHAT?!

james: you and sam.. are you setting me up?!

ann: what are you saying?!

james: (sighs) what are you doing james..

ann: are you talking to yourself? ARE YOU CRAZY?!!

james: YES! i think i'm crazy! ARGH! why did ou butt into my life?!

ann: stop it james!

james: (glares at ann) do ou like sam?!

ann: he's a friend.. you know how much i love you right? yet you always push me away!

james: I DON"T LOVE YOU!

ann; I KNOW! you don't need to say that on my face!

argh! i can't help it!

james: (stares at ann)

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