Chapter Twenty Five: To Be Young & Free

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Chapter Twenty Five: To Be Young & Free

"You're up early, Alex." She heard Mark say as he entered the room. "What's wrong?"

"Why do you always assume some thing's wrong, if I do something you normally wouldn't expect?" She asked him, a little annoyed at his treatment of her. Having spent yet another night sleeping in Nicholas' room, she had gotten up early, only because of Nicholas. He had to start work in the kitchen, and it would be better if neither Mark or Valek caught her coming out of his room...especially in her night-gown.

"Because of the fact that I wouldn't normally expect it." He said, smirking. "So? What's up? What have you done...or not done?"

"Nothing...sheesh." Alexandra pouted. Nothing that I would tell you about anyway, she thought. He would probably throw a fit if he knew...

"Alright, I'm just going to let that sort itself out." He muttered, sounding like her didn't believe her at all.

"Let what sort itself out?" She asked confused.

"You...apparently." He countered, with a smirk.

"Funny, Marcus."

"Anyway, I'm supposed to remind you that the Ice festival is in town, and that next week everything will be running back to normal." Mark said, giving her a serious look. "Meaning no more sleeping in, and you will be getting to meetings on time. Got it? Everything will go back to schedule."

"I get it, I get it..." She mumbled, as she walked towards him. "How can I forget with you two around?"

They locked her room and headed for the kitchen, since Nicholas would have breakfast ready by now.

"Look, I just have to remind you, okay? You have a few more days to enjoy, so go and relax and do whatever you want before things start up again next week." He told her, making Alexandra smirk.

"Whatever I want?" She asked, innocently.

"Whatever you want...within breaking castle rules." He warned her, knowingly.

"Okay..." She grinned, as they entered the kitchen. Seeing Nicholas smiling, Alexandra decided she was going to make sure to enjoy the rest of the week to the fullest.


"Lex?" He called out entering the Queen's room. The door had been open, and Aram had told him while he was in the kitchen that the young ruler wanted to see him, however the room seemed to be empty.

"Alex? Where are you?" Nicholas called out again.

"Psst!" He heard from the closet.

Going over he saw her hiding among the clothes. Seeing him, she pulled him in and closed the door.

"Lex...what are we doing here? I thought you wanted to see me?" He asked, perplexed.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he saw her smile. The light coming in from the crack between the door and the wall, lit up her eyes, showing the mischief brewing in the hazel depths.

"I did want to see you. In fact, we are going on a little trip outside, since there's a week before everyone comes back to the castle."

" why tell me this here?"

"You have to put this on." She said, handing him what felt like his thick wool cloak. "We're going to play a game of hide and seek."

"Why do I get the feeling this game involves not telling Mark and Valek?" He asked, fastening it around him.

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