Chapter Eight: Intervention? For What?

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Chapter Eight: Intervention? For What?

"When were you going to tell me about David's visit?"

Flinching at her tone, Mark turned to face Alexandra. She stood inside his room, apparently waiting for his return. He had almost forgotten about David's unfortunate visit.

"Normally, I would pretend that I didn't have a clue as to what you were talking about...since it's too late...who told you?" Mark asked, knowing denial would only stoke her anger. Besides, there were only a few possibilities of how she had found out.

"That doesn't matter. Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, once more.

"That day you were in a meeting with the engineers and Valek and I had to make rounds." The guard told her, deciding honesty was the best way to go.

"Where is he?"

"Who? Valek? Or David?"

"Both of them."

Taking a second to think about where he had last seen either of them, Mark frowned.

"Valek is escorting David from the castle for a meeting in Eucharista, and will be coming with him for dinner tonight." He told the young Queen.

"What did he say to you?" Alexandra walked up to him. Her hazel eyes watching him carefully.

"Nothing. He just wanted to see you before his meeting today. I knew your schedule and you didn't have time for him, so I told him that." Mark answered.

She was quiet, as though thinking over what he had said. Looking up at him, the expression on her face showed was one he had seen only a handful of times before...namely at the ceremony...

"He said something about your oath to me...didn't he?" Alexandra asked quietly.

Looking in to her eyes, Mark understood why she didn't like it when others mentioned The Oath of the Guards. He and Valek had taken it, despite her protests. Knowing what they had decided to sacrifice, must have been a burden for the young ruler.

"He did...but it doesn't matter." He assured her.

"It does to me. I know what you gave up." Alexandra told him, stepping closer, her hand taking hold of his. "I don't want anyone throwing it in your face, like you didn't have a choice but to take this position."

"We made this choice, Alex. It doesn't change anything." Squeezing her hand gently, he let go.

"It's not just that, Mark."

"Then what it is it?" He wondered aloud, having thought he had resolved the problem.

"I don't want you keeping these things from me. I want you to tell me when David visits, and what he's said." She told him with resolve. "You both promised me no secrets. I'm tired of you all hiding these things like I'm going to fall to pieces. I'm not!"

"Is that why you drink at dinners with him?" Mark muttered.

"No...I just need...courage."

" about when you stop needing liquid courage, Valek and I will tell you about David and what he's said." He bargained.

"You know I hate you two keeping secrets." She glared at him.

"This is the only one we keep."


Chopping the onions finely on the board, Nicholas was concentrating on remembering the rest of the recipe he was planning on making for lunch.

"Nicholas!" He heard his name being called.

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