Chapter Fourteen: Everyone Has A Dark Side

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Chapter Fourteen: Everyone Has A Dark Side

His hand stung from hitting David, but Nicholas didn't feel apologetic. Normally he wasn't one to resort to violent measures, that was usually Mark and Valek's job; but no one was going to insult the Queen in front of him. Besides that, David had taken a shot at his sister. It had been difficult to swallow what had happened between them; Nicholas had been trying to keep his anger from getting the better of him, but David's comments made him snap.

"Let me take a look, Nick."

Her voice cooled his thoughts of going after David. He was surprised she was still with him. Alexandra had only let go of him when the doors had closed behind David. She gently took hold of his hand, turning it over to see his knuckles bleeding.

"We're going to have to clean you up." She told him, running a light finger over his cuts. "I never thought you had it in you, Nicholas...I always thought you were the kind, sensitive one."

He almost snorted hearing that. A chuckle sounded from behind him. His temper was something Mark knew very well. It may have taken a lot to get a rise out of him, but there were only a few things that would get an instant reaction. Having been taught to always protect the crown, he couldn't stand anyone insulting her; another was protecting his sister, and lastly protecting his friends. David had managed to cross all three lines when he spoke foully about his sister and Alexandra.

"Everyone has a dark side..." He mumbled, she still hadn't let go of his hand. Her touch sent little bolts through him, making it harder for him to think straight.

"Some dark side, Nick...more like a hidden fighter." Alexandra smirked at him.

"At least it's not a pretend drunkard, Highness." He shot back, under his breath. She glared at him momentarily, having heard the remark, but soon enough she was snickering.

"Since I don't know which of you is more likely to get in trouble, I'm going to leave both of you to watch the other." Mark said, interrupting their exchange. "I need to go sort out this mess, and make sure Sir Pain-In-The-Ass, pardon my language, leaves in one piece."

"Don't go anywhere without the other, understood? I don't care if you're hungry or need to go to the bathroom, you will stay together." He told them seriously.

Nicholas nodded, knowing that with an angry and vengeful David around, Alexandra was in danger.

"I'll meet you both back in her room, go there using the worker's tunnels. Keep the door locked. And Alex, keep him out of trouble." Mark told them, as he turned to leave.

"Shouldn't he be telling you to keep me out of trouble?" Alexandra asked, looking over at him, amused at the reversal of roles.

"I guess he's worried that I'll try to kill David as he leaves the castle." Nicholas said, as she started walking; pulling him along behind her.

Leading them to one of the long black tapestries in the dining hall, he watched as she moved the fabric aside to reveal a door. As they walked through the torch lit worker's tunnel, his hand was starting to thrum with pain. He must have hit David pretty hard, he thought a part of him was starting to feel guilty.

"Err...I'm sorry I ruined the evening, Lex..." He tried half-heartedly.

"It's fine, I should have known better than to push you into coming; especially after you just found out." She said, turning around to face him. She looked apologetic, her face glowing in the torchlight.

"I know how protective you Devereux men are about the crown and family, it was an accident waiting to happen. I'm sorry I dragged you in to this mess."

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