Chapter Fifty Seven: The Return of A Knight

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Chapter Fifty Seven: The Return of A Knight

Having been transported right into the forest, it had taken Nicholas some time to find where the Queen and David were. He had passed several of Mark and Valek's guards, as they took away prisoners from the battle. Asking one where the heads of the guard and the Queen had gone off to, he told Nicholas that the three were with David Grimaldi in the center of the field, surrounded by some strange storm that had popped up.

David, Nicholas had thought with gritted teeth. He had run through the forest in the direction of the field, fearing that by the way things were going, he could be too late.

Reaching the plains, he saw the storm the guard had mentioned. It was grey and foreboding, but he would have to pass it if he wanted to get to Alexandra.

'Remember, if you find something that should not be there, shield yourself before going near it.' Ixia's words popped into his mind. The Oracle had warned him about such things, before allowing him to leave.

Muttering a simple shield spell, he waited a moment as it took effect, and then walked into the storm.

Once on the other side, he saw David walking slowly over to a fallen Alexandra, her sword lay at quite some distance from her. He looked around for Mark and Valek but they were nowhere in sight. His heart started to beat rapidly, worrying that he had come to late, but he saw her sit up, and move back. She was alive! Relief washed over him, as he started to make his way towards them.

Noticing two vine covered objects in front of him, as he drew closer he realized they were his missing friends. Seeing their collective gaze fall on him, before they could open their mouths to speak, he quickly shook his head, lifting a finger to his lips. They nodded in understanding.

Walking closer to where his Queen and David were, he only heard snatches of conversation.

"If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have found the one person that makes me happy, who happened to be right in front of me all that time."

He knew she was speaking of him, and just the thought that she loved him so much, made his heart burst with happiness.

David mumbled something before Nicholas heard him clearly.

"Alex, you were a stronger opponent than I thought you would be. I didn't expect you to last as long as you did...but now...this is where it all ends."

Seeing how focused David was on his task, Nicholas quickened his pace, as the other man lifted his sword ready to strike Alexandra fatally.

Pulling his own out from its scabbard, Nicholas reached just in time to watch David swing his sword, and hear the clang of metal against metal.

For a moment no one moved. He had managed to save Alexandra from the blade of David's sword. The man looked stunned to see him, not moving or retracting his sword.

Looking down at Alexandra, he saw the girl slowly open her eyes, as if to peak and see if she had really been spared. Watching her take in his sword, before looking at the hand that held it, Nicholas saw the smile that started to spread on her lips, before she turned to look at him.

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