Chapter Twenty: Not Mixing Business and Pleasure

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Chapter Twenty: Not Mixing Business and Pleasure

"Please rise for the national anthem."

Nicholas stood up putting a hand over his heart, having taken a seat between the Lords of Charon and Ifa. Oddly enough, both districts were neighbors of Canterbury & Rosslyn, he realized as the music played around them.

It was strange to be taking part in this meeting, he thought, looking around. For most of his life, he had only viewed the meeting from the sidelines in the gallery above them, or with his father when he was little. This was definitely different.

"You may be seated."

Noticing that the Queen was once again absent from her seat, Nicholas wondered where Alexandra could have been. Usually Mark and Valek would be ushering her to so many meetings, that he had thought she would be present...of course there were meetings that took place without the Monarch, but he had been hoping she'd be there.

"The Queen will be coming in shortly, I believe her meeting with the Engineer's Association of Seraphine was extended. She has sent her apologies." Lord Crawley explained to the gathering. It seemed he was second in command when Alexandra was away.

"Our agenda today includes reports from our five new additions, Her Majesty has said that she would like to discuss the monthly allowance for residents, along with a few other topics, and since this is the last meeting before the New Year, we will have a short round up of what has been done this year, and what is expected to be improved next year. Please remember to save your questions and comments for the end." Lord Crawley said, as he sat back down in his chair.

As the Lord of Kline had been seated ahead of Nicholas, it was he who started off their presentations. Watching as the man spoke about his recent trip to his district, Nicholas heard the door open.

"Sorry, I'm late!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

All eyes were on Alexandra, who had dressed in a deep forest green gown. The Lords collectively stood up, as she rushed to her seat. She motioned for them to take their seats again.

Smiling as he saw her take in the view, he caught her eye. She shook her head with a small smirk, he could see that she was embarrassed about her interruption.

"Please, carry on." She requested, as the Lord standing in front of him, hesitated.

No longer paying attention to what was being said around him, Nicholas watched as Alexandra checked over her desk, finding a pen and a folder full of paper. Resting it against her lap, she watched the lord standing in front of him attentively, scribbling notes as he spoke. As he ended his report, it was Alexandra who asked questions.

"Did you find the level of education appropriate in the area?" She asked, looking directly at the Lord of Kline.

"Yes, Majesty. Over 85% of the youth do attend the state Universities in the area."

"And how was the unemployment rate?"

"There are a lot of emerging businesses in the area, with the newly developed sea port. I found out that many ships from Bastion, the Isle of Canadia, and Polaris dock there, and they give Seraphine a lot of business."

"What do you think the district needs, then?" She asked, apparently satisfied by the answers.

"They need more doctors, and medical equipment, Majesty. Also there is a lack of funding for research, which the universities would like to see changed. I have a few proposed research projects if you would like to see them."

"Yes, please." Nicholas watched as the lord handed Alexandra a number of files. "Thank you. Next will be Lord Fletcher of Charon."

With the presentations going on, Nicholas turned his attention towards Alexandra. There were moments when in the middle of a presentation, she would look up to see him and smile. At least he knew one person in the room, he thought a little bit comforted.

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