Chapter Fifty Five: The Last Preparations

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Chapter Fifty Five: The Last Preparations

"Good job, Alex." Valek commented, as they finished practice.

"Although you have yet to beat either of us, you've really done well!" Mark chuckled.

"Thanks for the constant reminder, Marcus." They heard her mutter, as she picked up her sword from the ground and put it in its sheath.

"Aww, come on Lexie. You beat Aram and Samuel, which is an accomplishment. That was quite sneaky how you grabbed the hilt, before disarming." Mark said, trying to cheer her up.

Watching the Queen, Valek noticed the smirk that made its way on to her lips. It had worked, she was pleased.

"I learned from the best."

"Exactly." Valek grinned, before looking at his cousin. "I knew I had seen that move before."

"It is one my best." Mark snickered.

It was one of the few times he and Mark were training with her together. Usually, one would be with her, while the other would keep watch over the castle. Today, Valek had sent Aram and Samuel after practicing with Alexandra, to cover for him while he joined Mark. They needed her to face as many strong fighters as they could, so that she would improve.

Watching her walk towards them, Valek noticed her limp a little. They had told her to wear boots assigned to the guards, so that she would get used to moving in them by the time they went to face David. They didn't want her stumbling around on the battlefield, giving their enemy the advantage.

"Alright there, Alex?" Valek asked, as she came to stand in front of them.

"I'm fine." She said, but the blonde haired guard saw her wince with pain as she set another foot forward.

"We should be heading inside." Mark said, looking up at the darkened sky.

Fall had come, and with it the days had gotten shorter and more chilly. The three of them were wearing thick cloaks to keep the cold from seeping in. Valek couldn't believe how fast time had passed. In a few weeks they would be heading off to face David. The man's messenger had already sent a letter, telling them to meet him and his men in the plains of Ryden, an unpopulated district of Seraphine that was along the border of Saarsgard.

"Yes, let's go." Valek agreed, before turning to Alexandra.

"You look like you're in a lot of pain, Alex. I thought you said you were going to wear the boots during the day too?" He asked.

"I started to, but they're heavier than my normal shoes...I'm just getting used to them." She shrugged, before slowly walking past him to follow Mark.

"Wait." He grabbed her hand.

"Come on."

Nodding towards his back, he moved to stand in front of her.

"I'm not little anymore, Valek. Besides I can walk."

Looking over at Alexandra with her hands crossed over her chest, he smiled. She had grown into such an incredible young woman, he thought proudly. Alexandra had become the Queen, they had all known she would be, nonetheless her hardworking, selfless, do-it-myself attitude still amazed him.

"I know you're not little anymore, Lexie." He ruffled her hair, strands of it fell out of the ponytail she had tied. "But I also know you're dead tired, and since we still have some things to discuss...I need you to be come on. Consider it a piggy back ride down memory lane."

"Fine." She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck, as he pushed her up on to his back. "But don't blame me if tomorrow you can't move because your back hurts."

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