Better than I know myself

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Tommy's: POV

"Where have you been?" asked Adam suspiciously. "I've just bought some food." I defened. "Did buy something good?" he asked again. "Yes, but you have to cook it first." I said. "Okay!" replied Adam and went to the kitchen.

L/ Hey papa! How's dad and do you two have a good honeymoon? Our mom visited us yesterday and she's the true devil.

T/ Hey Lily! Adam is fine and our honeymoon is good. I'm sorry to hear honey :(

I closed my phone and went to the kitchen too. After a few minutes the food was ready and Adam sat down at the table to eat. "Lily and Max's mom visited them and she was completely changed." I said. "How?" he asked. "I don't know, but she called her the true devil." I said. "I will kill her if I see her again." replied Adam coldly.

"I have to take a quick shower but I'll be right back." I said and kissed his cheek. "Take your time darling." replied Adam with a smile. I smiled back and went to the bathroom.

After a few hours, I went back and found my husband on the floor. I tried to shake some life into him but did not move. I called an ambulance which took us to the hospital. My body was filled with panic and anxiety, I wanted to know what had happened with Adam. I picked up my phone again and send away a text message to Lily.

T/ To be honest I don't know how Adam is feeling. I took a quick shower and found him unconscious on the floor afterwards. We are right now in the hospital.

L/ Dad will be fine, don't lose hope. He'll never leave you❤️

I was about to answer when a doctor came out. "How is he, will he be fine?" I asked worried. "I don't know how I should say this." said the doctor. "Just say it." I replied impatiently. "We do not know what is wrong with your husband." he said.

I hope Adam will be fine❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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