My angel

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Tommy's: POV

"Hello darling." I said with a smile. "Daddy!" replied Melody happily. I laughed softly and after the breakfast we went to a toy store. I bought a doll and teddy bear to her. After we had been in town, we went home again. Melody made an attempt to walk a bit but fell down on the floor. I lifted up her and kissed her nose. "You have time to learn." I said.

Then she crawled to a cupboard and a photograph fell out. She looked curiously at the girl as she recognized her. "It's your big sister and she has the name as you." I said and sat down next to her. "Gone?" asked Melody sadly. "She's your guardian angel and she will always protect you." I said. I wasn't ready to tell her the truth. "Angel!" replied Melody and smiled. Then she yawned and I lay down her gently in her bed.

"You spread light and happiness in my life and I don't know what I would do without you, me and Melody will always be here for you, no matter what." I said. "I will always protect my little sister and she'll understand." replied Adam's daughter in my head. "Thank you!" I said with a smile.

I'm sorry for a short chapter, it happened some stuff earlier today. I love the father and daughter time so much❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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