Broken trust, broken heart.

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Adam's: POV


The 11th of May year 1910 England

I found Lily in the kitchen and she comforted her little brother. "What has happened?" I asked worried. "Papa had promised Max that they would go to a, playground today, but that was just a lie." said Lily. I felt the anger boiled inside of me. "Don't care about him, come now." I replied and lifted up in my arms. We all three went to the playground and had fun.

"Daddy, teddy." said Max happily when we passed a toy store. "Do you want him?" I asked and he nodded eagerly. We walked in and bought the teddy bear and Max hugged him tight.

"Take Max home, it's something I have to do." I said. Lily took his hand and looked worried at me. "I will be fine!" I said and kissed the top of her head. "Come home soon." she repiled. "I promise." I said before I left.

The door to John's house was open and I walked inside. I found him in his bedroom with another man. "I thought our love was real." I shouted coldly. "It has never be 'our love'." said John and stood up. "I don't need you in my life." I replied angrily. "You shouldn't have said that." said John warned and dragged me out from the house.

He kicked me until I couldn't move. "Please stop!" I begged. "Never!" he said and kicked my stomach hard. I couldn't breathe and I coughed up blood. I didn't heard when he left and I, was close to losing consciousness. But then I felt how person brought his wrist to my mouth. "You will be fine." said the person softly and stroked my forehead.

I only saw his blue eyes before he disappeared. I had know idea who he was but he had saved my life. I hurried home and hugged my kids. "We will move back to New York where no one can hurt us." I said. "Oh dad!" replied Lily and tears ran down her cheeks. "I love you and Max to the moon and back and I will always do." I said. "We love you too." she repiled with a smile.

-End of the flashback-

My poor baby😭 I'm glad he has his children. I hope you liked this chapter.


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