No boundaries

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Tommy's: POV

I sat down and play on my guitar, but I could not stop thinking of Adam. He was so mysterious but I don't know so much about him or his life. The door opened and in came my sister. "Hey Lisa." I said and waved to her. "Hey Tommy!" she replied happily. "Mommy!" said Bridget and she lifted up her daughter. "Hello honey!" replied Lisa with a smile. "I would like to talk more but I have to go." I said and say goodbye to them.

I passed a music store and saw Adam. I went in and next to him stood a girl with light purple hair. "Hi Tommy!" said Lily. "This is my daughter!" replied Adam. "It's nice to meet you." I said and shook her hand. "I'll leave you two alone." replied Lily with a wink and left us.

"We should hang out more, just you and me." said Adam. "Yes we should! I replied and bit my lip. "You are very cute when you bit your lip." he said with his honey voice.

"I like you very much and you lit up my days." I replied without thinking. "I like you too PrettyKitty and we are meant for each other." said Adam and he lifted up my chin. He pulled my face towards him and then he kissed me. I kissed him back and didn't care if people stared.

We told the news for Lily and was so happy for us. We went back home and Lisa saw a movie together with Bridget. "Kitty's in love!" said Bridget overjoyed. "Yes I am!" I replied and laughed softly. Lisa stood up and walked up to me. "I'm glad you've found someone you love and I'm happy for you guys." she said and I gave her a hug. "Thank you so much Lisa, it means a lot." I replied brotherly. "You're welcome!" she said.

Adommy are together and I love the sister and brother reletionship between Tommy and Lisa❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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