But it's not as bad as it seems. It only burns when I breathe.

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Tommy's: POV

"Tommy can you hear me?" asked Lisa worried. I opened my eyes and saw my sister. "You scared me to death, I thought..." but her voice cracked. Her words took me back to a dark and lonely memory. "I did not try to kill myself." I said calmly. "Never do this to me again." replied Lisa strictly. "I promise." I said and hugged her.

"You can go now." replied a doctor. I nodded and we drove back home. Bridget met us in the doorway and tears ran down her cheeks. I lifted up her and whispered comforting words. "I'm here honey." I said softly. "Don't leave me." she sobbed. "Never!" I said and kissed her forehead.

Adam's: POV

We were at a bar and partied. I grabbed a guy and emptied him of blood. I licked my lips and smirked. Sauli came up to me and started to kiss me passionately. "I don't understand how I could leave you." I said. "Hush baby, you are mine and that's all that matters now." replied Sauli. "You're right!" I said and we began to kiss again.

"It's something I want to ask you." said Sauli. "What is it?" I asked curiously. He took out a box with a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" asked Sauli hopefully. "Yes of course!" I said happily. He put the ring on my finger and looked into my eyes.

"I'm so happy for you two and it will be a wonderful wedding." replied John proudly. "Thank you so much and Sauli is the man of my life." I said with love in my voice. "You're so cute!" he replied.

We killed a few more before he set the bar on fire. We walked out and then I saw Tommy who was out for a walk with his niece. I rushed up to him and he took a step back of fear. "So you are still alive." I said disappointed. "This isn't you." replied Tommy. "Yes it is!" said Sauli. Then he saw my ring and his eyes were filled with tears. "I guess this explain a lot." he replied low. "Just get over it." I said tired and we left them alone.

I had many plans how my and Sauli's wedding would look like. The theme would be a mixture of romance and spooky. On our honeymoon we'll go, back to Finland and stay there. No one is allowed to ruin my plans.

Will Tommy be able to stop the wedding before it's too late? I'm going to Denmark tomorrow with my family, I don't know when the next chapter will comes up. I hope you liked this chapter.


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