Chapter Eighty Two~Family Matters

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*The Next Day* ☀⛅

"I see y'all talked it out" Ivyene says, coming up to me in my dad's house.

"I worked it out with both of them actually..A'Raya too"

"Proud of you" she rubs my shoulders.

"Thanks mom" I smile.

"Aww your calling me mom" she sits besides me.

"Yeah...I mean is that okay?" ...I wish Ivyene was my real mother. She....treated her kids with such love and compassion. Like a mother should, you know...😳

"Of course. I see you as one of my own anyways"

I smile again. "I heard you used to be a famous model"

 "I heard you used to be a famous model"

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"Well technically I still am...but I'm not as big anymore because I have kids and....I went missing for quite some time. Its crazy because the media hasn't got in touch with me yet...and I was pretty well known. But honestly...I can't complain. I'm happy to be out of the spotlight for once, now I can be a family woman"

"That's nice. And I been thinking.."


"Could you...get me into modeling? I used to do some work back then...and it was always one of my dreams to be a model"

"Sure. Wow...I never knew you'd be interested in that. It kind of makes me happy that I have a daughter who likes what I do"

"Yeah and maybe you can teach me what you know"

"Absolutely Brandi. I'll try to get back in touch with my agent"

"Thanks, I really appreciate that. And I think I'm a change a few things about me now.....I'm a be on my chill" I chuckle.

"Because of the incident?"

"Well yeah and because.....I'm 25 now. I'm getting older and I just think I should try to act more mature now. I'm not 17 or 21 anymore. I really need to just work on myself as an individual and focus on what happens next for me. Because.....I have my dad finally and that was a goal for me, that I achieved. Just to have a family and...a dad that cares....surrounded by people who love me...., and I'm getting there "

"I'm happy for you and just remember to....always appreciate the things you have overall. We're your family now and family sticks together. You can always ask me for anything and even though your a little iffy with your sisters. Talk it out with them. They are great girls Brandi and I just know you'll fit right in. They'll ride for you and stick by you....just give it a shot"

*3 weeks Later*🕗🕗🕗

I've been working on my relationships with my sisters and I think we're good now, you know. They forgave me and we all looked past it. And speaking of that, today was a family day for us, where all of us try the family dinner thing...again.

Since the last know. And plus this time me and the girls are all getting along famously, even Riley is here this time.

So now we're all around the table, eating pizza and wings.😌 Me and the girls are just casually chatting, while Ivyene and our dad kissed at the end of the table. They are just so cute together, in my opinion 😏

But suddenly, A'Raya taps on her glass with her spoon, signalling us that she has something to say. So we all stopped from interacting and turn to give her our full attention.

"Hey everyone, I just had something to say about my pregnancy. So I went to the hospital a few days ago to check on the baby...but come to find out....I'm having TWINS" she smiles.

"Oh my god Ray" Bri and Riley gasped, giving her hugs.

"And here's what they look like now" A'Raya shows us the picture.

"And here's what they look like now" A'Raya shows us the picture

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"Awwe. You know the sex yet?" I ask.

"No. Its a little too soon they said. They also said that their private parts hadn't even developed yet" she shrugs.

"Well, What you want them to be?" Ivyene asked.

"Uh...well I would really want a boy and a girl. But I'll be grateful with whatever"

"Aww. I can't wait to be an auntie" Riley says, touching Ray's stomach.

"Yeah and I'll just take one of your twins and claim it as my own, since I ain't having none no time soon it seems" Bri says.

"Bye Brianna, you know you and Jay gone have like 4 to 5 kids" Riley says.

"Uh...hell no. We're done and even if somehow in God's way we get back together...we're not having that many. Maybe one"

"Well I know this may be awkward to ask but....Riley were you ever planning on starting a family" Ivyene asked, knowing that Riley's sexuality was different from ours.

"You know, I always wanted a baby. A son to be exact...but I just don't wanna get pregnant" she shrugs.

"Awe. You could adopt" I suggest.

"Yeah I might be interested in that...maybe in a few years though"

"Oh Lord have mercy on my soul" dad breathes dramatically.

"What's wrong drama queen?" Ivyene looked back at him, leaned over.

"Because y'all all want kids now. Even my GAY daughter...Jesus Christ I'm old"

"Well dad. I'm not having any if it makes you feel better" I smile. ...I still needed to talk to my first one. If he even wants to know me😳.

"I doubt that" Brianna says to my comment.

"I know you ain't talking freak" I laugh.

"Great. And on top of that, my daughter is a freak" he rubs his forehead, in stress.

"Sorry daddy...but that... I can not deny" Brianna laughs.

"I love my children" Ivy smiles at us, holding dad's hand in the process.

"We love you too mom" me and the girls say, seeing her blush and smile.

"Can we play the game now" Riley suggest.

"What game babe?" dad asked.

"It's called 'Don't Lie'...the adult and risky version" Bri answers, smiling about the risky part.

"Risky?" I ask.

"Yeah, so it will be adult type question if you know what I mean"

"Oh boy" Ivy laughs. "I don't know if your father can handle that"

"Yeah, y'all minds well just carry me out now" he laughs.

Hey, Brandi in the Media.💞👑
And stay tuned for they're about to play. Its should be pretty entertaining😂😉

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