®~Chapter Fifty Two~

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Previously on The Unknown Daughter💋, Brandi was kidnapped and taken away from  Atlanta by a Thug named Roy. So now she's somewhere in Oakland, California and was just recently moved upstairs from living in his basement.

But why is that Roy dude being nice all of a sudden to her, wasn't he just about to chop her head off execution style in the kitchen??? So why is she able to sleep upstairs now and on a bed, not to mention a room to herself. Is he bipolar too? Or do we just don't understand his ways?

I guess we'll have to keep reading more about this Roy character😐

But now that he's being nice, maybe because Brandi knows her place....he's helping her. He gave her a refill on her pills just the next day and watched her take them.....he even gave her a glass of water to wash it down. But really though....why is he doing all that but looks at her with the death stare? Probably to scare her maybe.

Or maybe he does like Brandi....but shows it in his own cold weird little way, you know. Let's keep reading shall we. Shit, I'm excited to see about this...and I'm the writer😂😂😂💁

=A week later= 🕗
*banging next door*💢💢💢

"Ahhh! ROY! OH ROY YES!"

Yep. You heard right. He's fucking some bitch in his room upstairs with me. I could hear them..well her, so clearly it's crazy. His room wasn't even right next door to mine! It's all the way down the hall! So is she really screaming that loud? Is it that good?

Because I don't think that it is. I think it's all a control thing. He probably telling her to moan loud or he'll kill her or some shit. That's all he does anyway😒

"Ahhh! ROY! Yes! Yes! Ou I'm cumming! Ahh! ROY I'M CUMMING AHH!"

"Ssssssss ahh. Mm Mm mm. Get up" I finally hear him say. I guess he's not a talker in the bedroom😒😐

*Smack* "Ahh! *Smack* "Ouu"

"Now get the fuck out my house" he says, making me laugh for some reason. ....why he always gotta be so mean.

About a minute or two later, I hear footsteps approach my room and then open my door. Then came in Roy, coming up to me on my bed, giving me a stare like always.

"Can you fuck your pieces downstairs next time...Or take me down there before you do it up here. Because I don't--"

"Jealous?" he cuts me off, looking down at me.

"No. Why would I be?....I was just saying to show some consideration"

"Ha. Consideration huh? Mm. That's funny" he laughs.

I grit my eyes up at him...man was he such a clown.

"I got a present for you" he adds.


"You want out of them cuffs right? You wanna be able to go around the house by yourself right?"

"Yes" I confess, looking down.

"Sit up"

I do so and sit up to him on the bed, seeing him bend down to place a dog like collar around my neck. And why did my stupid ass let him put it own😐💥🔫

"Great now I'm really a slave...you feel good about yourself now" I snap.

"But can I trust yo snappy ass? At least I'm letting you walk free in my house. So shut the fuck up and accept the fucking gift"

I look down. "Yes Roy"

"Now stop bitch-ing and turn around"

I obey and face the wall, feeling him release me from the handcuffs.

"Get up"

I do so and stand up to him, watching him press a button on the collar to make it light up.

"Why is it lighting up?"

"It's a shock collar. So if you go near my front door or near some of the windows....you'll feel a little sting when doing so. Oh and if you pick up a knife or one of my guns you'll get shocked too. Your welcome" he walks away, leaving my room.

Is he for real with this shit? So if I go near a window *goes to my bedroom window* and get too clos--

"Aghhh!" I scream in pain, falling to the ground. ....it worked😭

He must have been standing right outside my door by the way he came in immediately after, seeing me on the ground.

"Told ya. Ya ass bad at listening I see....curiosity killed the cat. And in this case..it might actually will"

--The next night--✨💫

I'm in my room as always, just thinking in my head about stuff to past the time. I was planning on going to sleep soon.

*Door opens*💢🚪

I sit up to Roy entering in my room, stopping at the door this time.

"I made you something to eat" he says calmly.


He nods his head. "Come on"

Standing up, I follow him out of my room and downstairs to his dinning room, seeing two plates of something in a nice little couple set up. Wow. I wasn't expecting this one.

"Here" he pulls back the chair, allowing me to sit before pushing it in. ...okay now I'm confused.

He then takes a seat next to me, in front of the other plate and soda. I look down at my food, feeling his stare burn through my face.

"It's chicken Alfredo"

"Wow um really? You know how to cook"

"Don't be a hypocrite"

"I'm not, I just....you don't look like the type to be in the kitchen"

"So what type do I look to you?"

"A killer, a mean person..."

"Correct. Glad you noticed" he begins to eat.

I look down at the food again. "Your not trying to kill me are you?"

He laughs. "If I wanted too....I wouldn't poison you....trust me"

"Mm" I hum, picking up the fork. If I die....I die I guess.

Eating his meal for me, I start to realize that it's actually good. Wow...so thugs can cook down here huh?

"It's good" I look at him.

"Yeah, I know" ...ugh. Why do I even bother.

--11:55 pm--🕗🕗🕗

After eating that nice meal he made me, I took a shower and returned to my room. Now I was on the verge of going to sleep, that is until my door opens once again.

"Yes? I look up.

"Nothing" he says, coming over to sit on my bed with me.

I sit up to him, meeting his lips fully on to my face in such a hungry pace to pin me down.

He grabbed both sides of my face, with his big man hands, dominating my mouth with his tongue as he fought mine all the way down. I was definitely short of breath from this one.

He pulls away shortly after, still invading my space to breathe in my personal air. He smiles though.

"Night" he gets up, leaving my room in a instant.

Wow...so much for fucking up a girl's head why don't you...😐

Roy in the Media🔥😱

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