®Chapter Forty Five~On my own

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--1:02 am--

Pulling myself together, I finally get up from off those....people's lawn, limping down the street since there was no home for me there anymore.

But I didn't know where to go. I had no one to turn too. Drew moved last year, Nya's overseas, Dillan is living his life, I fucked over my teacher...and Josh. I had no friends. No family. No home. No job. No phone. No food. No clothes. Just nothing anymore.

I guess I'm all on my own now😔

=3 months later, 6:04=🕒

"Spare change ma'am?.......spare change sir?.......please.......I'm so hungry" I say, shaking my jar for donations.

Today was a slow day with getting money. I only had a dollar and 10 cents and it's now mid day. Its been I think three months since I was kicked out of the house. And ever since then, I've been trying to survive out here for me and my unborn baby.

Yeah, the baby is still very much alive in there, kicking me now more than ever. But I've been sleeping in the terminals and train stations, to protect myself from the weather. I'd beg for money, food, and just anything else that can get me through the day.

I haven't had a shower since...I snuck into the gym and took one about a month ago. So I know I stank like hell...but what can I do, you know. I have to pee and shit in alleyways, sleep on the floor sometimes. It's hard out here and no understands my struggle.

I'm pregnant and homeless now...barely keeping myself alive and not to mention my baby. I'd go days without eating...I depend on strangers most of the time. To find it in their heart to just give me a nickel. I'm living a nightmare.

And as far as my condition. I'm actually still keeping up with my pills, only because my primary doctor supplies them to me even in my current situation. She said it's important that I keep my head leveled...because if I didn't. I could get myself into trouble out here.

So this is the story of my sad life right now. Begging for things I need in order to survive.

--8:57 pm--🌙

Walking into McDonald's, I'm greeted by people constantly moving away from me, holding there noses and just leaving the place fully.

"Can I help you?" the girl looked at me confused.

"Hello. Can I have a burger please..."

"You have money right"


"That'll be 1.90" she holds out her hand.

"1.90? Really?

"Yes really"

"But I only have 1. 20"

"Well I'm sorry ma'am but we all gotta pay tax. I'm afraid I can't go through with your order"

"Please. I'm so hungry....I'm pregnant" I show her my belly.

"Sorry but no. Can you please leave now, you have a smell that's driving customers away"

"Please. I'll pay you back tomorrow when I can get some more change"

"Ma'am I said no. I can lose my job, I'm sorry"

"Please....can I just have something"

"Nothing is 1.20 on the menu"

"Just give her a burger please. Here it's on me, she can have two" a man comes up to the counter, slamming 5 dollars down.

The cashier rings up the oder, giving the guy back his change and me my two sandwiches.

"Thank you so much" I look up at him.

"Your welcome. Come on" he leads me out.

--Few minutes later--🕒

Walking away from the McDonald's, I cut through an alleyway, trying to get back to my 'spot' in a faster route.

"Hey you" I hear a familiar voice call out.

"Yes?" I turn around seeing that the man who brought me the sandwiches followed me.

"I want something in return" he comes up to me.

"But I don't have anything" I plead.

"Get down on your knees" he orders, cornering me up against the wall.

"No. Please. I just wanna get home"

"Then I'm taking this food back" he snatched the bag from my hands.

"No" I tear up.

"Get on you knees then"

I look down and obey, getting down on both knees in front of him. I couldn't go any longer without food so...I guess I have no choice.

Putting the bag in his pocket, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his average white and pink member, rubbing it up against my face before, grabbing my jaw.


I do so and close my eyes, feeling it travel inside.

"Mmmm" he moaned, grabbing my hair and stroking my mouth.

I cried, letting a tear roll down from my eye, why was this my life...

Brandi in the Media😥😢

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