Moana x reader

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You giggled softly, brushing your (H/C) hair behind your ear as your girlfriend shyly kissed your nose. Hearing footsteps nearby, you quickly parted. Moving back to the baskets you were weaving, you heard a soft chuckle from the familiar voice of Moana's grandmother. Looking up, you smiled. "Hello! I-I was just,uh...." She laughed, waving her hand around happily. "No no, your secret is safe with me." You sighed in relief, going to glance at your flushed girlfriend. She was adorable, but you knew she would never stand to hear you say that.

Kissing her gingerly, you felt her wipe your tears from your eyes gently. She was finally doing it. She was leaving for the ocean past the reef. Tucking a price of hair behind your ear, she kissed your nose softly. "I promise I'll come back to you." She whispered as she placed her forehead against yours. Hearing the calling from her mother. You ushered her to the boat, smiling through your tears.

Here you sat, your little brother happily dancing as you wove. Something you used to do all the time with Moana. Forcing back tears, you smiled to him, waving.

Commotion. That's all you could think of. Holding your dear brother and Pua close, you all huddled together as the storms raged on. The weather had been getting worse, and the crops had been dying. You only prayed that Moana was okay.

Part 2 coming soon

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