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the next 2 chapters is gonna be in Ayesha's POV

Hope you like this part and please comment your views about the story


I'm not ready for this.

Yet this is happening. I know this will come to this anyway.

As I drove away from my house in the car I borrowed from Tara. I couldn't help but cry. All my life, all the difficulties I have faced, I never thought I have to do something this hard. All these days of betrayal and lies crushed me. As I waited in the traffic all the things I did crashed in my mind and I clutched the steering wheel even harder to stop from crying. I don't deserve the comfort of crying. Not after what I did.

My phone buzzed. I looked over the steering wheel to look at the caller. It was as I expected, Harish.

Of course by now he would have found the note in my house telling him to come to Mike's old house. The house was way outside the city. Mike gave us both the key of the house as he no longer lives there. Not after his horrible death of his wife.

I ignored the call and kept on driving. Now Harish would be curious enough to come check but will be more cautious.

"If you do as I said, I will not harm anyone," the man had said.

And I know it was bullshit. He is going to harm us. He will not let me alive. Not after his job is done.

But I will certainly stop him from harming others.

I soon reached the place. The door wasn't locked as he said. I stepped in and turned on the lights and locked the door. Of course he wouldn't be in the living room. He would be inside somewhere, hiding like the coward he was.

I sat on the couch and took out my gun from the bag I carried. I blankly gazed at it twirling it slowly. My mind wandered to all the things that could happen today. Best case scenario-I will die, Worst -They will die.

I closed my eyes and leaned back pointing the gun in my forehead. I know if I pulled the trigger then all will end. No one else will die on her part. No one will have to worry. If only I had the courage to do so. All I can do right now is to sit crying, waiting.

And soon enough I heard the key turning and I opened my eyes.

Harish entered holding out a gun, his eyes alarmed. When he saw her he lowered the gun heaving a sigh of relief. "What's happening?" he demanded. "First you call and say me to come to your house then you leave a note asking me to come here."

"I just want to tell you something," I said striding towards him. "I-I.."

"I will finish it for you dear" and I turned to find the vile man walking out of a room on my left. He was dragging my father with him, holding a gun on the other hand.

At the sight of the two men I hated the most I immediately frowned. Harish raised his gun pointing at him.

"Hey Harish have a set. It's a long story." Harish remained unmoving. "Just tried to show a little hospitality" said the killer smiling and sat on the couch still holding my father by his shoulders.

"Okay where do I begin hmm? Yeah as you already would have guessed, I'm the notorious killer. My name is Varun.  And before I forget it would be easier and less messy if you just put down your gun down. Or we would have to waste a lot of time threatening and violence certainly time is precious man," he said laughing. But when we both stood with guns in our hand he frowned. "Ayesha you really don't want your father to get hurt do you. I want to tell you he is fully drunk. If I tell him to shoot himself saying it's a game he probably would."

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